I must first apologize for the long transmission time interval. Debt are all the subjects plus the homework. I spent the last few weeks were only for sleeping and showering at home ...
The special greetings this time planned for Aunt Jasmine * waving waving *. However, over the last few days so happens a lot, so I am now a big hug to all my colleagues source chic!
Well, now let's look what has happened over the last few weeks can do. I know that is not itself longer as well ... sooooo
10th and 11.10.2009 - the last "vacation" days
As mentioned last time, we had 1 to 8 October National Holidays. Thanks to the many homework was "holiday" but no mention. And so I spent the Saturday with accounting (which have placed our unusual hour to 8.30am on Saturday NEM !!!). Then Group Meeting was announced for the homework of Management Thinking (MT) and management Communication (MC) to go through. And Sunday was then spent for the rest of the homework.
So you have missed nothing ;-)
12.10.2009 - teaching
This tag can be easily summarized: Leadership Development (LD) at 8am, then homework and then Group Meeting (2 papers + 1 presentation).
And in the evening ... then Chinese
13.10.2009 - Presentation Time
So the Tuesday it was really something. Overall, Tuesday is quite tiring. Clock at 8:30 it starts with MC (which, although interesting in content but is of the professor rather soporific). Then MT - again a good concept poorly executed (we are currently working on Improvements). 17h to then end of the official teaching.
At exactly 17h but has already started my next job on the day: a friend has presented his idea for a new club and I've promised to come. But too late I could not stay because I had to 18h Study Group Individual Persuasive Presentations for the MC.
We were all really super well prepared and on Monday all times even spoken sample. The presentation was then in Summer really good - ... with bugs is always ;-)
by nearly 20pm we were ready and even then it was called ... from the "Club Day". This evening should imagine that is the clubs of the university or the faculty. Actually, yes really interesting - the presentations were not all been in Chinese ... In any case, we have listened to us anyway (And I've joined the Outdoor Walking Club). And after that we said ... do homework.
But not before we had not celebrated the Pizzatag - Tuesday is in fact Pizzatag. So are Roger, Larry, Darren and I (minus Leyi and Mark both had home) to 21h in the pizzeria and have there with pizza and beer (Roger had on the day even birthday!) Homework for Economics (Eco ) and accounting (Ac) are discussed.
Yes, and at 24h I'm dead fell into bed ...
14.10.2009 - * yawn *
Unfortunately, the sleep was not too long because we had been on Wednesday at 8am again LD. The subject was followed (or persecuted) by Economics. And then it was always like "homework".
Ah yes, the evening was then announced nor Chinese.
15.10.2009 - so much to do
And again such a full day. Morning at 8:30 we started first with 3 hours AC - Yippee! Then we had Study Group Meeting. Unfortunately, that is to come Slowly the final essays for MT and LD in more detail and to be provided in the group. For MT we have to analyze a company (and run as many interviews there, which in Chinese culture is actually not common ...). And LD, we will be analyzing a leader - we have decided to Berlusconi - that will be fun :-)
To 13h then has a new (and voluntary) Trade started: China Roots. It experienced foreigners (like me), what's so special about China and how to do business here. The first lecture was by Professor Gao (my "Thinking" teacher). The theme "Challenges in Chinese Environment" was really exciting - the less speech.
After China Roots, we went further into the MBA Office. There I had in fact interviewed for the Student Ambassador Program (SAP). One could say that SAP is a project team to make the program better. We might also call the Office of MBA Consultants * laugh *
Yes ... and 18h against the interview was even over and I could devote myself to my homework ... * laugh *
16 - 18.10.2009 - Relaxed weekend
Friday is Sleep-. We have in fact only around 9.50Uhr Chinese. The teaching itself was super boring. The teacher does not proceed to actually debate and the beginner course is so heterogeneous that it just is not fun ...
To 14am Group Meeting was then announced. Of the 6 people but only 3 were there. And of the 3 only 2, the case study had previously read. Darren and I have therefore set up the presentation alone. On Tuesday we had a management that is present Thinking paper ...
Saturday morning, we should then take the group back to the President to finalize and discuss the final report in MT and LD.
wonder oh wonder - what were only Darren and me. With discussion was therefore nothing - that we have received the Presidential fairly quickly ready, so we had the afternoon free (to make the rest of the homework).
And for that, then the Sunday and went on it: homework. However, I was in such good time that I relaxed was ran on the subject go. This was due to a change in tactics: our study group had decided that time is currently worth more than knowledge - so we have divided the homework, so everyone in AC and Eco only had to make some of the tasks! has
evening then called Li - he was yesterday at this party and has taken the rest of the food: leg of lamb and pasta and potato mix. And then these are really found 5 people become sick * happy *
In sum, I can say then that it was a pretty stress-free and relaxed WoE :-)
19.10.2009 - A nap
morning was LD, then Group Meeting for the presentation on Tuesday (and this time everyone was there and we have made the concept from scratch) and in the afternoon there was a new subject : Data, Models and Decisions. That was really exciting because we have discussed decision trees. And while this is a very important subject because we are here to write an exam (you remember ever to 22.01. Fingers crossed for about yourself.) And yet ... I almost fell asleep ... After a strong coffee in the break, but this problem was resolved and I was quite awake for your presentation of the Boston Consultant Group at 5 am. From there we went right back to even Chinese.
20.10.2009 - A strange day
morning was announced for the first time MC and the whole class was super super tired. The interaction was therefore equal to 0 ... then we had lunch and great official "Welcome new Class Represesentatives" lunch - the food was bad and the meeting officially to much for my taste ...
Our presentation Thinking for the class was greeted with much applause. Instead of making a simple PPT presentation, we have the paper in the talk-show style discussion. Sun, we had to prepare less and the audience had more fun :-)
Then, Professor Wang (visiting professor) led the classes on. Unfortunately I can not say what it was - somehow I could not concentrate and the info went to one ear and out the other ...
And then came the evening of the super hammer by email and newspapers: source is closed. This has me really hard taken (although I do not even work there anymore). By learning was therefore nothing more that day ... only good thing that I Book Review for the day had already finished ...
21.10.2009 - * numb *
As you can imagine I have not slept the night really well. And accordingly I was stunned the whole day - not even the coffee could help as yet. The lessons I've more or less behind me to concentrate. Then delicious noodle soup with a few fellow students. And if to 14am I actually make Xiaowei on a coffee / tea. However, I canceled the meeting and I go to bed instead to good 2 hours sleep ... and the only thing that could move me to get up in the evening was Chinese (and the prospect of Subway sandwich then!).
22.10.2009 - dates, deadlines, deadlines
On Thursday I felt then already much better. Accounting morning (which I've done in the time part of the homework because the professor has only repeated what I had read the book already). At 12am we were from the Student Ambassador Program invited to lunch. The 2008 there have received their certificates and we ate all together comfortable and super tasty. Sorry, had a majority of us are going well soon. For
to 13h, it went to a China Factory Visit the Roots Program. The company that we've looked at is, injectors and pumps for engine (eg cars) ago and is one of the most successful here in China. The presentation was unfortunately only superficially about the production, market shares, etc. And the tour of the factory was not too revealing, because they funneled us without a lot of information simply by ... Fascinating was that, despite the many modern machines are still quite a lot of work by hand: welcome to China :-)
At the end of the day I was still Class Representative Meeting: everyone has presented and some ideas in the room thrown (I'm as responsible for "learning environment" or so). 6.30am and we were allowed to go * happy *
Yes ... and what I have planned over the next few days so?
Today is Friday. Actually, I would now Chinese. But I'll turn out - instead I got this morning already written two papers and the same I will learn Chinese. For tomorrow I had planned a daytrip to a monastery in the mountains. But I just phoned the organizer - the weather is too bad and so the trip is canceled.
But since I had planned the daytrip and therefore, most of homework have been done, I'll probably enjoy a quiet weekend jippi * *
Oh yes, Do you remember the last photos? In shorts and T-shirt on the wall! And now I'm already the jacket over the winter sweaters and still freezing. At night we have zero temperatures! So fast here comes the winter! What is you see in the picture as Christine in the lunch break (in learning) INDOOR! Partick and even had to switch to NEN!
All the best,
PS: Sorry, but this time I have really little pictures - was simply nothing exciting for photographing ...
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