Saturday, February 26, 2011

Hemroid Cream On Milia

Dream come true!

So, as with the Happy Garden JSK is now done can I have my new erungenschaften
report = D

first time my new phone! Eigendlich it was supposed to be a Wild Fire S but my friend has changed her mind xD
is spontaneous and legally switched to a HTC HD Desire
what we do not have to wait months!

My mom visited the Deco Loco store next week = D
However, the lady answered me to my question and told me that the meta is too delicate print
TT that is probably because I was new to me ü ; superior to be * sigh * Then

to My Dream Dresses

it is almost on its way to me xD ~

I wanted to have x_x and was in constant fear that it is sold out when I get my money! As my friend told me
has advanced the money I could buy it myself but still! Eigendlich yes a lot of money
what's gone lost xD But I have to pay no more buck when it eventually
resold anyone oO

However, I find the tactics of the AP online store really funny xD you get two paypal invoices
both paid and it takes forever until the time is confirmed oO currently have the shipping company
confirm yet though I paid for the days even before .________. at other stores I had already
the tracking number are from my package and it would have in nem plane! Closet Child

me then today again tormented can xD

Very Berry Red * _ * ~ so I deleted two dresses from my wishlist xD what does that
it from shrinking is YAY!

This spring is probably the color red inn with me lol xD
Now it eigendlich need only to be warm = D

Plasma Tv Reliability 2009

Happy Crafting Crafting a

So now I can tell you what shows in my Rumgewerkle came out = D

It's really difficult to make the decent photos to the glossy xD

best seen in the pictures look great =) then you see the glitter the better!

And yeah, I have put beads on the dress =)

Joah and thus the project would also eigendlich Happy Garden by puh xD

loose two days I've been sitting out just glitter and beads to fix it xD
'm really happy with the result!

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Milena Velba Gallery 2010


So! I had already ever noted that I would like to remodel the Happy Garden JSK and Headbow

And as far as I am now come:

stuck since the headband in a sausage made of fabric I've seen first as
because the Harreif looks!

so without sausage but he looks a lot better xD

Then I beglitzert the headbow also beads on it and placed a small stone set
to the top!
Bottom line:

but looks much better ^ ^

Then to my Happy Garden JSK

There are also see again the utensils I have. I needed! Everyone wants to make even the
raufzustreuen I especially picures the glittering by hand and small non-directly from the vial! When one little things beglitzert
is not bad it's more going because mans easily can shake off again, if you
however, a full dress in front of him is difficult xD
The light pink background-way, is an ironing board ~ another especially picures! There

the glue and the glitter is left over from Karstadt ~ buy the Glitter is the glue at 1.50 € xD I unfortunately forgot

The first step is the glue to the desired Office to apply

Then gradually add the glitter on the body

So I went through the whole dress and then waited another 20 minutes until the glue has dried to some extent!
After that I was shaken out of the dress of the window out everything that away the excess glitter is all!
Then we went over it again on all points with glue and dry another 24 hours to hang!

This evening I will be the dress upside down ironing which I will do it for 30 ° Washable!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Meralgia Paraesthetica Yoga

Happy Happy Garden Replica Review

When googling I only found one =) and I thought to myself, now that I've
I can sometimes say a few words about it.

I got it second hand while on egl_sales bought ^ ^ but that's immaterial anyway! can

first to Headbow I've got this and it is for a little extra charge added

by transport oO of course not as nice wrinkle free! The idea of the material around the headband to stretch
was not very Toll D = ~ I would not have Jsk + HB NEN discount
get, I would have gotten over it! ~ The "sausage" that is stretched over a hair band is for my taste
too loose = /

then straight on to JSK

Unexpectedly, the stuff is really very strong, what I call feel a plus! refers

xD the label Angelic Pretty scattered throughout the dress you ~ but you can find so many now in
Replicas xD and it bothers me anyway so real!

You notice that the tip is not really now of the best quality but it is soft and sweet!

I was also pleasantly surprised by the interior of the dress = D

The dress also two removable grinding

has, however, they could have ranmachen all loops that peak oO! Then it would look a little
uniform Wen xDDDD

it still interested: It has shirring in the back

All in all I am very satisfied! It would have been worth it to Taobao
to buy for a bit wants more money than the Headbow ~ xD I really would not recommend someone unless he
a little mess around in it!

in the next couple days, I also use the dress to be ready = beglitzern)
it and still continue to change! I will then show you even more ^. ^

converging so I wanted to do with the girls together, but that simply has too much in the herumgeglitzert against
xD and since each would have the apartment Lustful bitches!

Monday, February 21, 2011

Tourism Should Be Encouraged

frustration and confusion purchase

I had to live with the fact that the April super stressful for me is o____o
The month is so full of meetings and events and now that even all my pent-up tests
happen -.- * sigh *

This has led to bad mood today and a howl of frustration Buy at Bodyline

xD I had some time ~ the dress in mind and I was very unsure whether I will take it!

I habs ordered in brown! I've somehow never seen in the Comm o___o and
'm curious how it is when I next week (hopefully can) hold in their hands.
xD this time without customs would also be nice!

Then I got me to put a wig

However, in black! So far, I've still got nothing outstandingly bad "simply trying times" of Bodyline wigs
heard so I thought. Let's see if I then rummschnibbel on the pony, because I'm so
Pony ne eigendlich wearer and for years had no more parting.

to the next meeting in March, then I'll dig out my Blonde Peru =) ~
Had she once bought me for a cosplay, but exestiert look no more, this time whether they also
Lolita looks quite nice!

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Black And White Colour On Lcd Tv With Dvd Player


is confusing that now my Happy Garden JSK at customs in wet ?????
xD what should I tell people I've basically almost nothing and it is even
Second Hand ... other than Paypal so I have nothing, or the LJ entries -.-

few days ago I had written to DHL via mail about the excessive amount of duty
and have since heard nothing from them! However, it was on my phone bill 5 €
recorded for the stupid service number * grumble *

Then to what nice =)
Yesterday I went shopping with the girls and had a lot of fun * _ *

on NP stink normal bakers we have found Maccarone xD and bought the whole range
haha! This is maybe NEN goo.

leopard ears Kerstin xD ~ Sun süüüüß why H & M probably has something xD

Puschelfight at Claire's!

What I bought there beautiful:

eigendlich I would still like to have had the Eiffel Tower earrings D = but the gabs
not live longer.

When I Promod me this sweet chain purchased

And at Karstadt I got myself the glitter and bought all remaining
spice up the Happy Garden JSK, including Headbow = D

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Yorkies After Hysterectomy

Back in Beijing (and you with it 7Stunden advance * hehe *)

Halli hallo,

after a (long time, felt short) break - also called semester break - I landed in Beijing yesterday. According to plan, I wanted an internship in the U.S. and do in Germany. The plans of the MBA Office did, however, that we must be on site to write our thesis. The reasons may for example with "because we do not trust you," summed up ... Nuja ...

The week before the departure was on the phone again vigorously, GE-meeting-t and scanned, so the thesis runs after good (working title "What do German Executive Manager of China executive managers and what are the consequences (for example, cooperation, Conflict management, intercultural training )?"). Thursday morning I had breakfast then again mmhhh * * delicious meat salad, hot shower * hot * mmhhh and then packed with mom the suitcases. And once again packed. And so beautiful was because packed again.
time at 11am, it was then going towards Munich - and of course we had no traffic so we were already there before 14am (flyers went to 17h).

After the check-box gabs delicious salad NEN, NEN walk through the (menschenleere!) Bookstore, ne hot chocolate and then it was time to say bye already. The wait at the gate was free tea and coffee (yes!) Quite pleasant and the flight to Copenhagen was uneventful. Oh! No, not quite! The panoramic view over the cloud cover was awesome! Sunshine and sunset :-)

In Copenhagen I found after only 15 minutes my gate and was bored so still a good 2 hours to me ... They then hear quite unproductive for naps and music used
:-) Finally on the plane has been found that was not quite full - the seat next to me was free jippi * *. As tired as I was, I would also like to put your feet up and immediately slept. But no ... the food took forever and it was only towards the light from 24h made - until then I was, however, not so really tired ...
For all interested in physics: I have the Flight found that expands the air in my Nackenhoernchen if the plane goes up. Very interesting!

In Beijing (about 13h Chinese time) everything went smoothly. Passport control, Gepaeckholen, claw taxi and even went to Tsinghua - in just 30 minutes :-)
There, book first to the room (where I also have the same Patrick made, which was very great, because he could take over translating this - perfect division of labor * g *). First the good woman at the reception gezickt a little bit because I was not registered, and also my welcome letter (which we have received no less than 1.5 years ago!) Was present. AND ...... it was only a single (!!!) AB-room free - otherwise only double room * cry *
With a lot of smiles we have then they can persuade me to reserve rooms for 1 hour and are quick to registration (of course at the other end of the Uni) run. Within 2 minutes I had my stamp (which is the only reason that we all have to come this semester !!!!!!) and after 45min also the lease for my room, together with keys and washing mark is:!! - )

It is unfortunately out of the north, so I never got sun
:-( My roommate is Korean :-( but at least she speaks a little English
:-) The room is indeed on the 8th floor :-) but it right next to the
elevator :-( I do not want to know what are the spots on the wall and door frames
:-( I have two mattresses on the bed, so it's not so hard :-) veeery
In summary: The main thing I 've got another AB-room. D

Even before the box-unpacking, Patrick and I to the C-Lou (the supermarket here) gone, so I can equip with again from scratch I have thus again the same desk lamp, the same hair dryer, the same towels, the same write block purchased. ... Armed with hangers, we went to the box. It took only 30 minutes and was much easier than wrapping ... ... nuja
Shortly before 18h I am also still occurred to I need internet - of course the switch but had to, so I had to arrive an hour later again. Internet has been bought, unlocked, cable plugged into the wall, I found again - everything works great.

reward for the diligence gabs in the evening the same pizza at The Red House. However, we have found that when the Pyro's bigger is better and above all, so there was then in a coffee or waffles :-)

Well and today (Saturday) we were only have breakfast in the cafeteria at lunch (it tastes just as, as I remembered it had * haha *) and after a afternoon nap alla "Inception" I have a walk to the Lotus Center (an bigger supermarket off campus) to buy to make me a folder, dishes and vegetables. Heading is still a bike come about (cheap, big, red). Sorry, but I have found during the drive home, already, that it squeaks
:-( Well ... the main thing is a bicycle.

The plan for tonight's dinner with classmates and then to bed * happy *. morning can then (ersthabft ) are starting with work. ... Where I geruechteweise noticed that many of my classmates are not there yet or not an issue there ... Hmm .. I'm keeping

you everything from the distance,

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Milena Velba Ho Ho Ho Forum

Lolifying your phone!

Muahaha in April has come and I will be proud owners of a smartphone !!!!!

And although it is an HTC to be Wild Fire S:

I still have no plan what color because I was thinking it send in here:

Deco Loco

If I would paste my phone should be professionally xD. I want to own a good piece ran ~
rather not look after the total Crappy.

However, it currently is missing me yet somehow ideas o_o

pearls, rhinestones, color and pattern
@ _ @

some ideas I've already collected:

However, instead of the loop Kö me, could I imagine myself a little Eiffel Tower
xD and the colors would be different as gold / black or something (green, yellow and white would also be intended toll)

One could however also lean on NEM Print:

* _ * it would look cool on nem determined from black phone

Monday, February 14, 2011

Chevron Portable Dvd Player

d_lolita 18 Happy Valentine's Day \u0026lt;3

sets xD My treasure Although no value for that day
but still, I'm me get out dressed ~ if only because I like
to the customs office set off haha xDDD

My outfit of today

jsk: Metamorphosis
blouse, hair bow: Bodyline
socks Sockdreams
shoes, bag: Bodyline
Cardigan: C & A
Haase: Btssb
Jewelry: Claire's, C & A

I wanted my Tomcat not chase away xD why he is so half the picture haha!

I wish you a nice Valentine's Day = D * Bussi *

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Does Hot Topic Sell Pentagram Jewelry

Nanu Nana in all respects

First the bad: D = My Closet Child package is in customs landed
and will therefore only be able to pick up next week - .- super !!!!!!!

And DHL will not only annoy me with completely überhöten tariff calculations but also to deliver the
no change oO

the normal position even in the € 1.30 should be giving out -.- * grumble *
But now things are here with me and just waiting on their owners xD

Then something enjoyable:

I've done yesterday at an airport Nanu Nana bag for 10 € maybe

\u0026lt;3 forges since my first pirate outfit on ~ but I also find to Classic
very chic! It is even quite large = D

Sunday, February 6, 2011

How Do You Get The Golden Vase In Poptropica

project xD Happy Garden

Today I bought on the egl_sales Happy Garden replica in blue!

This is even the Headbow!

But the Headbow looks a bit easy I was thinking that it is indeed a small
could make project =)

Since the Local Lolita troops anyway wanted to do a little sewing and craft event, I just
something I can do xD because sewing is simply impossible! haha

I thought to spice the Headbow and the dress a bit. xD Since there is no fire is
dress and I have got hold virtually to nem bargain price.

And that maybe even equal to the matching jewelry itself = D

Sniper Painted Airsoft

d_lolita 17 + meetings + stuff

rundown Sun first to my outfit from yesterday


OP: socks Meta Crown Label
: Secret Shop
Blouse: Anna House
Shoes : Montreal
jewelry, hair clip: Chocomint, Accessorize, Claire's

The meeting yesterday with the girls was really fun again = D
Even if I had to learn I could take my not be> \u0026lt;.
otherwise I will in my quiet little room still mad xD

Here are the pictures (sorry, just because my battery is so flooded -.-)

Kerstins JSK (right) = ENVY! xD

Then I made yesterday still the beautiful chiffon blouse by Ann Christine for 10 € * _ *
the other colors were really nice but unfortunately none of them fit into my wardrobe = D
pity that they do not even know were in purely

and other achievements this week

Bodyline socks from this Sayuri loading ^ ^ "
which is also about the only thing you can buy there
xD I do not think the store itself will last a long time ~ who NEN Bodyline dress for € 82 requires xD

And a light blue cardigan Meta * _ * I've got hold favorable aub egl_sales

I can not even wait until it is sufficient NEN cardigan to wear over your blouse Ner D =
I am slow so sorry NEN always wear thick winter coat TT