Thursday, September 24, 2009

Breast Disorders In Men

Yes, I have available ...

Hello and welcome to a new

episode of "What Victoria pushes for in Beijing?". Sorry that the report has taken so long this time. But believe me - I was the week really just to sleep in my room ... The reason? Orientation Week!

Sunday, 09.13.2009 - "And now for all times spontaneously creative '

Sunday has" normal "starting with math. I must confess that it was the last course and I'm not gone. But I was on time but with our "Lunch Group Bonding". For the Orientation Week (remember painful to the Opening Ceremony the day before!), Namely we have (arbitrarily) divided into groups. And since one has never known ... yes gabs the great idea that we have an hour to get to know us at lunch ...

Thereafter, between 13h has to be the "Ice Breaker started. Each group is a group name and a motivational cry / - dancing can occur. For this we could then make a group flag (which all week had to be dragged on). And then we also had the chance to show our unique talents.

was my group / is called "High Five". And as you can imagine that is the battle cry (which we have accompanied him at the presentation even with a dance). The flag consisted of 5 hand-prints. And our talent was that (even though we come from only 5 countries), we speak the plain song in 7 languages (not sing) :-)

can any event, we were totally exhausted after the Ice Breaker. As well, we had 45 minutes as time go back to the dorm to our stuff for the "Outward Bound" to get ...

then counter-18h by bus went off - out of Beijing and pure in the Pampa.

Basically there is not much to tell. Apart from an episode of "this is only possible here: We are on the highway from Beijing went out. And at some point has a bus and my bus (2) realized that they just have just missed the exit. What is Chinese, then? Correct; stop and reverse the direction set back exit ...

Oh yes, there were two remarkable things that day. First, the food in our hostel. "Inedible" is well expressed very kind. But we could at night (!) (!) (!) Then all together at a lake to enjoy a cold beer * happy *

Monday, 14/09/2009 - JUMP!

early morning at 7 we went to go and same with morning exercises. And then we were allowed to lie down again later to 30 minutes to the "breakfast" to go (as I said, the food was soooo not the hammer).

My group has also done the same, together with then coach to the first group challenge.

to 8 m high (with a great View over the lake), each of us had to jump over a "moat" (ie, two boards that were in the middle of about 1m away from each other). We were all saved, but ... it has cost quite overcome. Especially for the 4 of us people who have a fear of heights ... But - we've all done gloriously. Learning 1: If you want, then you can achieve more than you think!

The next challenge was the internationally known and much-loved spider web: we were 16 people and had to go through a spider web with 19 openings, each opening dufte be used only 1 time and the spider web could not be touched. We have also used it for over an hour. Learning 2: Have a detailed plan before you begin.

Then there was lunch. And now we had so much hunger, it tasted * laugh *

lunch then it was called "concentrate - relax". Our third challenge was against the other teams as each team scored a drum (about 50m in diameter) which was suspended on 16 cables (round drum rum). And Then There Were NEN ball to the task was the ball with the help of the drum (which of course had to be held at the cable ends), keep in the air. Sounds simple, but extremely difficult. But I can say with pride: we have 513 "bounces" made it * proud *. Learning 3: Planning to try sometimes you have to take place. Learning 4: Relax and concentrate and you can move as one person.

After our success (at least we have beaten the other teams), we were allowed to rest at last. We thought at least. For the last Challenge was the most difficult: to solve a puzzle together. We were divided into groups of 2 and distributed in the room - the groups was allowed to leave her chair. Each group was then pieces (triangles, squares ... in different colors) and a statement. After much shouting and arguing, we then found out that we all have approximately the same task. Sorry ... but a subgroup has not been listening. And unfortunately ... we have not told us that the time was limited ... therefore: not done. Learning 5: someone says where to go. Learning 6: communication consists of listening and speaking.

I must confess that the day is super tiring but also great fun was. And so we (my group) in the evening we indulged in a pizza for the first time beautiful. Worth is deserved!

Tuesday, 15/09/2009 - Go, go, go!

on time at 8.30am we had a lecture on "History of Tsinghua University. And since we were all still super tired ... I must confess, I not so much noticing (especially with half of the lecture in Chinese). Noon then gabs "Mixed Group Lunch". That is, we were divided into new groups and were allowed to meet during the lunch (after 30 minutes!). That was more than stressful!

Then it went straight on in the program and it said "On your bikes, get set, go!". The Skavenger Hunt (= treasure hunt) was announced. First we had to our knowledge of the campus to provide proof of the basis of clues to find out where we were out. And fortunately other people in my group have better watch out when I ;-)

Because we are good students, we could then also use the learnings from the Outdoor Orientation: Route planning!

over hill and dale we went at a rapid pace across the campus. It was making pictures, solve puzzles, find things and know generally the campus learning. About Just in time (and tired and sweaty) then we sat back to 16h in the university and have solved the last test, "Write a letter to yourself about your goals - And then you get back in a year. " That gave me the best like * g *

evening there was then, fortunately only a little Program. And that meant 18.30 - 21h "Introduction to Business Simulation Software". I have to say yes, it was super useful since the next day we should play a simulation. However, the presentation was very chaotic and the most I already knew * yawn *

Then everyone in the group then had the task to look through again by the system in order for prepared to be tomorrow. Unfortunately (!) Was, however, focus 0.30Uhr against the current, so the internet access was blocked ... which means I had to unfortunately go to bed ... unfortunately

Wednesday, 09/16 .2009 - Fu *** System

much sleep that night, we had not - even at 8.30am it started with a business simulation. Purpose, each group was divided again. Each quarter, we had exactly 1 hour to analyze, plan and enter the new data. Real stressful! But since we love the challenge (haha) which was not enough - it should be a "Company Information" created ... .... At noon it was

then "Mixed Group Lunch" and then it went even further: Round 3 and 4 were. My group has really put a lot of effort into the analysis (we have learned from the previous rounds) and developed a great strategy. Too bad that the system has spun and we enter our data could not * grrr *

And in Round 4, we had exactly the same problem! That's really not fun like that!

On our second "Company Information "for the afternoon was so then something like" yes, we had been planning, but our shareholders were against it and then did a tornado destroyed our factories and then we had a computer worm, and then ... "* laugh *

My group has so abgeloost completely - although it is not our mistake was!

But the good news of the day stood still: Alas, unfortunately, was the speaker for the 18:30 - 20.30Uhr event prevented, so they had to turn out ... ohhhhhhhh

And that was just as well, namely we had to organize many more things. To 24h on the day we had to make a group presentation. And then there was the task a 30sec commercial for the IMBA Program to make.

is one part of our team that is going to create a Group Board (on the possibilities we had already discussed the day before). And the other part of the group to "The Ants" gone, a restaurant / Pup in vicinity of the wheel (the western food has * smile *).

In this group, I was. And I can tell you, 10 people are indeed creative, but not efficient. Nevertheless, we have however agreed to 11am on a spot. And I must say, has become really super!

Thursday, 09.17.2009 - Do good!

on time at 8.30am, we were all (including the "normal" MBA students) sponsors dressed in T-shirts in the great hall. Then there were more "inspiring" speeches (some in English but mostly in Chinese). And to 10am we went wrong with "community service". Divided into mixed groups should We collect money for various projects and attention. My group gathered, for example, "Rural Area Education". And since I can not speak Chinese, my job was hand out flyers and talking to each Westerners who came over. That was fun :-)

And opposite us was another group that tried to persuade more people to wash their hands (or at least disinfect) - was considered very funny, but less successful ...

counter 16h and then we were all back in the big And ... Aula miracle oh miracle, my High Five group has actually collected the most money in total: more than 1000 RMB (100 €) * happy *. And not only that, we have also spoken at a distance with most people: over 150 (!). It was worth it!

After the community service we had actually a break! Exactly 2 hours. 19h against it was called then "make chic to the Welcome Party". There, you should then talk to as many people as possible. , I'm all 10 new people to know. And I think that's a lot when you consider that many students are from the normal MBA class no English (and many people have also come not at first). Anyway, we have

(part of my group) are then passed to 22h. Finally we had to make our Advertisement on the next day.

Jay and MJ in my group were so nice, and that (as we have done other community service), the footage collected: 3 hours!

The four of us have any in "The Ants" working on a text and the material sighted. Half of the Advertisement, we were able to do that already.

And to 2am in the morning she left us kicked out because they wanted to close ... Terry, who was responsible for the instrumentation, then continued to work at home, while the others are in bed * To have Gääääääähn

8am we four of us - yawn *

Friday, 09/18/2009 and again taken. Fortunately, in a Study Room here in the dormitory - so I could practically in pajamas go there (see picture). With great difficulty we then also get the movie finished and delivered just on time. But we were all very very happy with it :-)

To celebrate the success we went to eat together in the cafeteria (where we ordered food, which is a bit more expensive but tastes much better than the normal cafeteria food).

To 1am then we all crammed into the business outfit, because it was the presentation of advertisements. I have presented and I must say that it was not too bad (for an English lecture before a large auditorium). Disappointing was only lukewarm response to the jury - we were on the back out so that we IMBAL anything in / have made in English, whereas the Mbale had everything in Chinese (and also positive reactions to got their 5 minutes (!) films).

any case was decided that we IMBAL not stay until the end have to - what a joy. So we could go home to 16h (and some sleep) before the program went on to 18h.
As soon as I
our film, lad I him up - the fact is become really good:-D

counter 18.30Uhr came even more good news. The CEO of a company should really think of 21h to the Case Study Competition of his company. Unfortunately, he was prevented, so we only get a 30min short introduction ... ohhhhhhh.

Finally we could finally go to bed at normal times!

Saturday, 19.09.2009 - "What should we do this again? "

was on this day it apart from the" Mixed Groups Lunch "no activity. Consequently, we have decided that every morning and reads the Case Study yourself thinking makes it so.

After lunch we then met as a group to discuss.

And since we had all week, learned a lot about teamwork (and each other by now quite well known), we have now divided the group into: macro analysis, micro-analysis and other factors. Because with only 4 people working there are simply better.

My group (macro analysis) then using the LE PEST C Analysis and Porter's 5 Forces also found many Oportunities and Threats.

4am we all have against us, click on "The Ants" - met (where else I think we should move in there!) Findings and bore all together. And then the discussion going on about ... Recommendations

counter 12am, we then agreed on recommendations about 4 ... phew! So we could go home * * jippi

Sunday, 09/20/2009 - Time time, time!

early as 8 o'clock we continued to build with presentation. And there was Terry, Ioana, Winston and I, who have taken responsibility for it. And we are also very good progress ... until then to 11 am the rest of the group has emerged. And there was a debate going again. I tell you, 13 people are just too much for teamwork!

Since the PPT but we had to give at 12am, the discussion has been held in check and we could (again in the business outfit) on the way to the SEM Building . Make

Hmm ... as for the actual Presidential ... hm ...

We had decided that 5 people present, so that the chance to try out without the pressure. Too bad that we have forgotten about the timing. Therefore, we could say the most important issues any more ("Time Out").

addition, there was that someone from the group during the Question & Answer thereafter, really stupid answers ... In sum we can say: we were really well-prepared but rescues the poor presentation and not live. Something else learned!

the evening was then from 19h to 22h "Closing Ceremony" is announced. We had to move the building and go into the great hall (in the center of the campus). From the outside, that's really impressive from the inside but rather shabby. And so glamorous "Closing Ceremony" sounds, so chaotic it was. The following picture of Helen (in my group) expresses the mood good.

But that's not enough. Because after this busy week, was announced to celebrate. And while most groups went to a bar or disco, we have let the week end Chinese: with karaoke.

I tell you: that was fun - we have durchgesungen but really good 4 hours. Everything from traditional Chinese and Korean Hip-Hop to Backstreet Boys. And really all of the group were there we partied with! It did really well :-)

Monday, 09.21.2009 - SCHLAAAAFEN

have up to 2am in the morning, we sang. Against 3am I was in bed. And growing at 7 again. At 8 If the first instruction was prepared: Leadership.

went Fortunately, only 2 hours! After that quickly pick up books (which are in the Tuition Fee of it with * happy *) and then home to bed. For added at 16h, my Study Group met again ...

The instructors have all grouped in a class 1 and 2, so that each IMBA class "only" has 63 instead of 126 people. And, within these classes there Study Groups, which together form the homework Case Studies and should do and such.

If you throw it next time take a look at my schedule, you will notice that I'm only 7 subjects and partly added. My first thought was, therefore, "hm ... there is quite a lot of free time." But if you remember, I am still tired and stressed.

times now counts 1 and 1 together and what comes out? Correct; super much homework!

(click to Vegrößern)

Tuesday, 09.22.2009 - "Can not the fans who tell them apart?"

8:30 - 12 it was "Managerial Communication," which translates as a Rethorikkurs comes close.

was 13-17h then "Managerial Thinking. And by then then no one has looked through which subject which tasks entails.

First, we need to read a chapter every week (per subject per book!). For Leadership, we will also write a Weekly Journal. Managerial Thinking requires Case Studies and a memo. Managerial Communication and requires, in addition to reading and case studies and weekly presentations. And most of it must be done as a team .... * HELP *

Too bad that I have agreed to conduct my study group. Ie I touch the discussions together (especially since I'm the only one who makes useful notes) and time / task design. In short, I do all the homework in sight and see that everyone is there. The former is far reasonably okay (albeit messy), the latter we have been unable ...

But to go back to the daily routine: there is still a Erfolgsstorry. I was shopping in the evening still fast (that is outside of the campus). And what I finally finally found after a long search! Stink quite normal "Leitz" folder * * jippi

Now I can finally start studying :-)

Wednesday, 09.23.2009 - "Where is our study group? "

morning we went just around 8am (8 gong!) with leadership.

After that (without a break) announced Economics.

And then (at 2am) Study Group has met my homework to make the communication and vote for the homework of leadership and to clarify other matters. Theoretically! For as the very first meeting, two people have been missing ...

First, that's really annoying because we do their work with. Second, it works but with only 4 people a lot easier ...

Anyway, we were (by Chinese standards) very efficiently. In just 2 hours, we have analyzed two speeches and agreed on a presentation theme for next Tuesday and have distributed the tasks for it. I'm really proud of us :-)

evening are Darren, Terry, Patrick and I then agreed that we should treat even a little. So it was pizza jippi * * (and then to learning * grrr *).

Thursday, 09/24/2009 - Accounting!

Okay ... I admit ... the whole week, I am less than "not happy" that we are this morning (at 8.30am) Accounting have. I've already made during the BA do not like and therefore my motivation in the morning was not sooooo overwhelming (especially since this book is written in an inviting black ... SUPER!).

But I must say, the woman was really nice and it was interesting and even ... I dare say it to me ... it has hardly any fun ... * scary *

any case went all the good 4 hours, so I'm home then directly into the dorm to me a little lie (nap will still be my best friend, I see now!).

My plan for the afternoon was the two articles for Managerial Thinking (I think) to check it to write the memo (which we must submit on Monday).

Hm ... the motivation for "Porter" was then, however, very very low and the other products did not look too inviting.

why I did not do any homework falls for Communication. I must say, I'm proud of myself: I'm good in 4 hours 80Seiten read and summarized.

And so ... I do tonight to write anything more than the blog (I'm behind you!) And see maybe NEN movie :-)

And quick update FS r tomorrow morning I did not have classes and lunch (this week) only 2 hours. Dinner is all-IMBA students who live here in the Dorm. And then we go to La Bamba and propaganda to celebrate. Funnily enough, that is still has someone's birthday.

But all too long I can not, because on Saturday I have a day trip booked * happy *

Wow! View of the Clock - I wrote almost 2 hours o_O


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