Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Is Lavender Oil Good For Scars

Juhu - I am now officially a student

Monday, 31.08.2009 - China = bureaucracy


Phew I'm done ... but that's to be expected after a marathon five hours bureaucracy, right? But always in order ...

When I woke up this morning, it was outside humid as in the greenhouse and the sky was one big cloud of dust. My Lonely Planet I do the following: "Beijing is the most polluted of the major cities, using measurements of the number of micrograms of particles of pollution dust per cubic meter. Beijing's level is 142 micrograms (Paris 22, London 24, NY 27). The WHO guideline is 20 " all I have to say probably not, right?

(outlook left over the railroad crossings, straight to # 21 and turn right on Campus)

Anyway, I've driven in the morning for the first time some of the campus. I had, nor to waste time ... And I was really strange happened: I heard yelling from a corner. Curious as I am, so I'm out there. And what was the matter? Marching young people (see photo). All around the sports grounds were uniformed teenagers who have tried (!) To march in rank and file. They wore funny red flags (in addition to soda bottles and backpacks * laugh *) and every now and then on command roared. Real strange ...

Unfortunately, I have the gaping and driving around but not long enough stopped. When I was in fact to 13h on Health Care Center, could not find my documents. So it had to wait for now. After 1 hour I then queued again (and was glad that the two buses with people to register and not to be picked up there were). This time I had more luck.

counter 15h then again I was on campus and have some coffee first ... drunk. Break must be sometimes. Then it was then straight on to the (now already well known) Building 22, where the registration was to take place. At the entrance gabs then something really bizarre: temperature measurement by end camera: (! And only in this) Anyone in the building was clean, had to keep his forehead ran to a camera and then has the body temperature is displayed. If it will make each lecture is funny ;-)

For Registration you had to first see all the documents can be seen by a student (that also has all his accuracy and lack of copies could be made). Then it went to the next queue in the teachers. They had a full 2 person sit in the office (and 20 students waiting) (!) - Tricky was, however, that spoke of the 2 people only 1 English: Welcome to China!

has also in this line (after waiting about 30 minutes) everything worked out quite well and I was allowed to continue for info packet-pick up and queue for visas. And since not everything could go so smoothly, there were problems with visas: the photos that I can make in Dt did were not right and on my Residence Permission form they could not read my apartment number.

So off to the supermarket and take pictures. And this problem was already 2: I'm the woman in the store an example photo pressed into his hand and said with his hands and feet, I just want to have your 4 photos of me. While waiting I am very nice to talk to an American - even they can not speak Chinese, so we had some exchange.

The most important information, however, was marching on the teenager: I was told that this is the first to the newcomers These semester. The need to appear in the first few weeks (!) This drill several times to go through drill and practice all day long! For what it's good, but I do not ... Oh man ... I really hope that at our Orientation Week not it is ...

In any event, at some point the saleswoman came back (I thought that I had forgotten). And with it came a surprise: instead of a photo taken of me, the seller has the image that I've given it 4 times ... copy go well, may have her. Looking for something in the dictionary she then understood, however, what I want and only a few minutes later I had my 4 images. (The American had been there to explain more problems that it needs instead of 4 images 8).

Next Tour was then to house 19 (already an old friend) to bring me a new RPF. Fortunately, there were fewer problems because the woman at the counter at least a little English spoken.

Armed with photos and RPF then back to the Visa Office in # 22 There I am then impudently laid jostles easy and in minutes I had the form for Visa. And in only (!) 2 weeks, can I pick up my passport. I just hope I do not need it in time or that the form that I've got, really a replacement card is ... so I completely trust the not ...

So much then for Monday. Oh yes, one thing I've never done. I have a redirect set up on Skype. If I am now calling on Skype and I struggled not before (because I am offline) you will automatically forwarded to my phone (which I paid). And I get a number soon, so you can call me from the phone to the local rate dt Skype (or forwarding). I believe that the communication is a lot easier :-)

Sunday and now it's 7:30 and I will eat a delicious by the Jiaozi, which I now have lunch worried. From 8, it's back hot water for showers - I'll tell you here get there sweating out no more - and it will be used, as they (! unthinkable in Dt) overnight to remove the lines and I'm not quite sure whether it tomorrow then also really working again. We'll see!

Tuesday, 09.01.2009 - Doing nothing is doing well sometimes

I think the title says a lot. Today, nothing was announced. That means I'm now up early this morning (my friend, the train makes it possible) and then got the first time mails checked. At about 10, it then with Butterfly in the direction of Baker at the main entrance. Since then gave a yummy ... what always-too-sweet dough made with sausages and cheese. Sounds weird, but it was damn tasty. Mainly because I've enjoyed in the many parks on campus. Besides, I've repeated the numbers from 1-10. And so I can now count to 100 !

After breakfast (so to 12pm) I was back in the dorm and have seen little remote. I must admit, is that really more boring than ours: namely, I have only 1 program in English and bring all the time documentaries and news (all of course extremely positive when it comes to China and rather critical of other nations). Others I have me a documentary about a concentration camp in Poland and a viewing of Mongolia. And in the news then I learned that the opposition has won in Japan and some football player to Barcelona ... changes very exciting, right? * Yawn *

Sometime around 15-16h of my time, I could then make calls to Dt, because you finally awake waiting * lol *. Only Grandma & Grandpa, then Mom and then jasmine. I was so glad to hear you all - because I feel much closer to home. And I tell people - Skype is truly a miracle that anything is possible ... because I'm including a German fixed-line number on which you can normally call me by phone. And thanks to redirect you land directly on my phone. Real awesome!

BTW: if you want the landline number, please send me a mail!

18h against me then I met with Simon and a student from the 2009 IMBA-rate (-> I'm born in the 2011er since 2011, I'll do my degree!). The food was good and again I got quite a lot of information. Others I know now that tomorrow I need to register and also that I will be in the first half probably very busy. AND I've also learned that we are in 2 weeks, the Orientation Week, making an outdoor training - I just hope I get the sleeping bags and have no self ... must

Well, that was It also heard about this very uneventful day. Does but sometimes nothing at all to make a good thing ;-)

BTW: I now know why the freshmen have to make this military training. The student, with which we were eating today has meant that would strengthen the cohesion and social behavior, particularly because many young people still very young and spoiled only children are. Aha ... ... ... ... ... ... ..

Hm ... now is already half-9pm and still sing ... I hope that tomorrow everyone is hoarse, so I got my rest:-P

Wednesday, 09.02.2009 - From A to D to Z to B to D to

... After I so yesterday a was quite quiet day, I was all day today on the move (I'll tell you - moving as much as in 1 day here I am earlier in 1 week!). At 9 clock in the morning it was already going towards high school (= turn echoed). Accompanied by two other intern students from a floor above me, we have embarked on the fight. ("To get in the gym take picture, collect student ID and meal card, then the faculty at the documents") because the plan has heard all this easy. ONLY they had concealed us that all students would be on that day in the gym to do just that. At 9 we have clock So we fight to some pre-release 1 to find out that we need to stand 2, where they told us that we are all wrong and only have to take a picture. And of course, had to leave with us to make all the other a photo. queue after about 1 hour we had our student ID. Next snake was it for the food cards. And since we were told that we 200 RMB (about 20 €) in stock here and now need to load onto the card ... ... ... What we have not made then. According to the file, you can also get the card that is supposed to house 15 (and any Book value on it).

We were then in high school so ready. Next we were led on the basketball court next door, where each department had a booth. After a long search I got my SEM (School of Economics and Management) found ... where I was told that I should as an international student at the same building as the SEM (not here) to pick up my records ... So back up again Radel and driven to the SEM.

There was less chaos and then fortunately I came after only a few minutes to register. A bit of form filling (I'm already used), package pick up (even more documents), and then there were a T-shirt (to be worn at the opening ceremony) and NEN backpack * * jippi

Fully loaded with goodies, make life more beautiful (see picture right), then we went back up (which are not relegated to the other side of campus) in the direction of the dormitories. Given that the building is No. 15 in which I wanted to pick up my meal card. Unfortunately, I was the guy at the entrance (in very basic English) told I to the mall area in need xxx. Once there, you have understood no English and just because I happened to ... a US-Chinese from my class have taken, were able to tell me that I most certainly (!) must get to Building 15 to the card. Together we are again running after 15 minutes. Just so we are told there that there is another building 15 and since you have to pick up the card. AHA!

Meanwhile, I was already so badly affected that I am first time back to the dorm (which fortunately was close by) and have been drinking tea NEN (where I and my T-shirt pants messed). When going through my documents (the stack grows and grows and grows), then I have several Things noticed
1) We have on Friday already a full schedule with entries, Welcome Party, math course etc - and I thought I myself have 2 more weeks to bore
2) The schedule was already attached, which means I need me for nothing more care and appear just yet. However, the times really strange and not always to my taste ...
3) There were many more documents to fill out ... with the information I have now determined 10 times ... have given
4) The description for the log is simply not true. It says "search XXX and the characters click on it and then to the characters and then XXX XXX and then ... "but I find these characters anywhere on the site ...
5) I had packed in my files by mistake with the name list of the Registration ... UPS!

Since I was already at 15h with Simon and Hui-Yi (our supervisor from the 2nd semester = "Buddy") agreed, I made myself to 14am on the way to school. Had decided that it probably is easier but the meal ticket to get simply there ... After the chaos in the morning am I assumed that I must queue again at least 30 minutes. But ... the hall was swept up as empty (see picture - and now you, the times at 9am in the morning before, when she was full Chinese). Then quickly to the SEM and the list of names submitted (yeah ... it has been missing ... but really, it was not my fault!). And then ... well I still had half an hour and I bit down in the area around - the campus is so great because you can do it again and again ...

counter 15h added Simon, Hui-Yi and I then arranged to meet us for coffee. That was a cute little shop, has had a very European - and others were because almost only foreigners there. Hui-Yi then gave us a lot about SEM, Tsinghua and the 1st Semester says. Really - I'm looking forward already huge (even if it sounds a lot for great work)!

At half 5, I've finally passed me and went even slightly to the nearby shopping center. In fact the information was that we will do outdoor activities and sports clothes for need, which I obviously do not have it. Sorry, but unfortunately I am not find anything so I have the dates again where to go look different ...

On the way back then to buy more quickly. I wanted to have such exclusive stuff, like "Paper Towel", "fruit" and "vegetables" - which I think he was doing to me? A tea towel I could find anywhere else ... Hmm ...

With the other half of the shopping list (water, juice, towels) then back to the dorm. And there already was 18h (and I'm starving), but sometimes I wanted to spend my new meal card (if I so much Had trouble with it!). And I tell you - for a canteen and just 6RMB (60cent) the food was fantastic! Besides, I then also made another Indian, who is also in my class * happy *

Phew! As I said, it was a really tough day today and tomorrow ... Yes do David (voice student) and I do a little sightseeing. The poor is far too early here because his program begins in just over 2 weeks ...

(Version "proud student at the main entrance of the University in humidity and smog "* laugh *)

I'll keep all and looking forward to hearing from you, Victoria

PS: And yes, I promise to do in the future more images and integrate ;-)


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