Monday, August 23, 2010

Lesbians Public Shower

motto: Enjoy the last days to the fullest! The time was also

week before last Friday's ビーチ パーティー beach party with the 2 组 (Language group). It was really very very tasty and quite funny, because too much was drunk and Anna, the Frenchman, the Taiwanese and I really had fun together again ^ ^ We are in the dark until just at the beach running through the shallow water and were somewhat ^ ^ silly "Otherwise, it was also just totally delicious! Sausage, potato (?) Chunks in melted cheese (oh God, Kääääseee!) And and and ...

Anna and I had yet NEN delicious cake purchased, which we then combined with such a "thank-you cards" have presented to the teachers.

Saturday night was once again on なっちゃん (nacchan) Film Club 飲み 会 ("drinking together") to the earlier ; early morning hours. (When I went home, the sun rose ...)

Sunday were Anna and I then finally with the Frenchman Christophe and four of Jim Taiwan on キラキラ ビーチ beach. , We have been long in the water, have eaten ice and were then even more (tadaaa!) バナナ ボート go banana-boat! Wow, that was really funny! I did not think that we would be soo quickly pulled a miracle that none of us fell down, although it was really just sometimes! I can definitely recommend just anyone banana boat is so cool ^ ^

evening gabs then バイバイ パーティー Bye-Bye Party at the dorm. I will stay happily still least one month in Japan, I have the luck to have not seen so much as my own farewell party, so it was actually quite funny.

(I am in spite of the sunscreen creams sooo turned brown -__-)

Tuesday I was with Anna, Adam and Dexter (Americans) then ドライブ (Doraibu - car trip) in the North. We went to the small island コオリ 島 (Koori Island "), which is connected via a very long bridge with the main Okinawa island. Since then we have been looking for a quick trip to the beach a nice cafe, where it delicious pizza and ice cream ( 沖縄 ぜんざい ) announced. ^ ^ The view from the cafe was just totally beautiful!

Wednesday as always film club meeting, this time we were at なっちゃん (nacchan) at home, because on TV オキナワノコワイハナシ ("Okinawa horror stories") was - that there is Each year since then stop a few fictional horror stories or what with "real" background shown was one hour in total with 3 stories. From the movie-quality film of her club can compete there but partly true, because I was impressed!

Thursday was 撮 影 filming of 歩 梦 (Ayumu "girl) at the 那霸 高校 (Naha High School). The whole thing was shot in a biology room and also a friend of Ayumu's little brother (about 10 years) has played the game. Unfortunately, because there was no air conditioning and I went as a total from the heat, so I the second half of the shoot then just lay out on a bench, simply because every movement was too hard (in the shade with some wind at least a little more comfortable than inside ...).

Then it went from late afternoon to the beach with the filming team and another two other film club members are met. Shortly into the water, the guys have played volleyball / football, etc., in between we had some food are short - for ages again right soba noodles and tempura (fried vegetables / shrimp ...), yummy! - And later Are we then went briefly into a park and have made fireworks.

Friday was 终了 式 farewell ceremony of the exchange of people, who now return home.

evening then, as always, movie club, this time I brought a movie - lately I also lend to Anna always total number of DVDs from a video store - the only cost 100 yen (!) a whole week! That is, we go once a week for the video store and rent us a handful of films. Lately, only Japanese, they would stop getting in Germany is not so simple. I wish in Germany would rent movies and so cheap!

Saturday I spontaneously ドイツ 料理 会 German cooking in place with about 8 people, instigated by the film club ^ ^ Three times you can guess from whom -. なっちゃん nacchan course. He simply has the largest apartment of all, so that 8 people are not a problem. There were sandwiches, bread with honey, pretzels, potato salad, sausages, fried potatoes, cheese and grapes on sticks. For dessert, then church and butter and pancake with apple sauce (I know, is not strictly German pancake, but that no one here knows ^ ^). The hottest was really the apple sauce! That is not to buy that is, so I did it myself, which was really easier than I thought and the first time apple sauce for a year - sooo yummy!

Sunday we were short even when 国際 通り (Kokusai Street, the tourist street in Naha). Since then I've bought for my Osaka trip a few souvenirs and even drank a delicious beniimo shake.

Last night, I only with a jp. Girlfriend baked muffins (also the first time in a year!) And later, there were two friends of her and Adam to come and Jens and we ate, talked ...

's was the first!


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