Thursday, September 24, 2009

Breast Disorders In Men

Yes, I have available ...

Hello and welcome to a new

episode of "What Victoria pushes for in Beijing?". Sorry that the report has taken so long this time. But believe me - I was the week really just to sleep in my room ... The reason? Orientation Week!

Sunday, 09.13.2009 - "And now for all times spontaneously creative '

Sunday has" normal "starting with math. I must confess that it was the last course and I'm not gone. But I was on time but with our "Lunch Group Bonding". For the Orientation Week (remember painful to the Opening Ceremony the day before!), Namely we have (arbitrarily) divided into groups. And since one has never known ... yes gabs the great idea that we have an hour to get to know us at lunch ...

Thereafter, between 13h has to be the "Ice Breaker started. Each group is a group name and a motivational cry / - dancing can occur. For this we could then make a group flag (which all week had to be dragged on). And then we also had the chance to show our unique talents.

was my group / is called "High Five". And as you can imagine that is the battle cry (which we have accompanied him at the presentation even with a dance). The flag consisted of 5 hand-prints. And our talent was that (even though we come from only 5 countries), we speak the plain song in 7 languages (not sing) :-)

can any event, we were totally exhausted after the Ice Breaker. As well, we had 45 minutes as time go back to the dorm to our stuff for the "Outward Bound" to get ...

then counter-18h by bus went off - out of Beijing and pure in the Pampa.

Basically there is not much to tell. Apart from an episode of "this is only possible here: We are on the highway from Beijing went out. And at some point has a bus and my bus (2) realized that they just have just missed the exit. What is Chinese, then? Correct; stop and reverse the direction set back exit ...

Oh yes, there were two remarkable things that day. First, the food in our hostel. "Inedible" is well expressed very kind. But we could at night (!) (!) (!) Then all together at a lake to enjoy a cold beer * happy *

Monday, 14/09/2009 - JUMP!

early morning at 7 we went to go and same with morning exercises. And then we were allowed to lie down again later to 30 minutes to the "breakfast" to go (as I said, the food was soooo not the hammer).

My group has also done the same, together with then coach to the first group challenge.

to 8 m high (with a great View over the lake), each of us had to jump over a "moat" (ie, two boards that were in the middle of about 1m away from each other). We were all saved, but ... it has cost quite overcome. Especially for the 4 of us people who have a fear of heights ... But - we've all done gloriously. Learning 1: If you want, then you can achieve more than you think!

The next challenge was the internationally known and much-loved spider web: we were 16 people and had to go through a spider web with 19 openings, each opening dufte be used only 1 time and the spider web could not be touched. We have also used it for over an hour. Learning 2: Have a detailed plan before you begin.

Then there was lunch. And now we had so much hunger, it tasted * laugh *

lunch then it was called "concentrate - relax". Our third challenge was against the other teams as each team scored a drum (about 50m in diameter) which was suspended on 16 cables (round drum rum). And Then There Were NEN ball to the task was the ball with the help of the drum (which of course had to be held at the cable ends), keep in the air. Sounds simple, but extremely difficult. But I can say with pride: we have 513 "bounces" made it * proud *. Learning 3: Planning to try sometimes you have to take place. Learning 4: Relax and concentrate and you can move as one person.

After our success (at least we have beaten the other teams), we were allowed to rest at last. We thought at least. For the last Challenge was the most difficult: to solve a puzzle together. We were divided into groups of 2 and distributed in the room - the groups was allowed to leave her chair. Each group was then pieces (triangles, squares ... in different colors) and a statement. After much shouting and arguing, we then found out that we all have approximately the same task. Sorry ... but a subgroup has not been listening. And unfortunately ... we have not told us that the time was limited ... therefore: not done. Learning 5: someone says where to go. Learning 6: communication consists of listening and speaking.

I must confess that the day is super tiring but also great fun was. And so we (my group) in the evening we indulged in a pizza for the first time beautiful. Worth is deserved!

Tuesday, 15/09/2009 - Go, go, go!

on time at 8.30am we had a lecture on "History of Tsinghua University. And since we were all still super tired ... I must confess, I not so much noticing (especially with half of the lecture in Chinese). Noon then gabs "Mixed Group Lunch". That is, we were divided into new groups and were allowed to meet during the lunch (after 30 minutes!). That was more than stressful!

Then it went straight on in the program and it said "On your bikes, get set, go!". The Skavenger Hunt (= treasure hunt) was announced. First we had to our knowledge of the campus to provide proof of the basis of clues to find out where we were out. And fortunately other people in my group have better watch out when I ;-)

Because we are good students, we could then also use the learnings from the Outdoor Orientation: Route planning!

over hill and dale we went at a rapid pace across the campus. It was making pictures, solve puzzles, find things and know generally the campus learning. About Just in time (and tired and sweaty) then we sat back to 16h in the university and have solved the last test, "Write a letter to yourself about your goals - And then you get back in a year. " That gave me the best like * g *

evening there was then, fortunately only a little Program. And that meant 18.30 - 21h "Introduction to Business Simulation Software". I have to say yes, it was super useful since the next day we should play a simulation. However, the presentation was very chaotic and the most I already knew * yawn *

Then everyone in the group then had the task to look through again by the system in order for prepared to be tomorrow. Unfortunately (!) Was, however, focus 0.30Uhr against the current, so the internet access was blocked ... which means I had to unfortunately go to bed ... unfortunately

Wednesday, 09/16 .2009 - Fu *** System

much sleep that night, we had not - even at 8.30am it started with a business simulation. Purpose, each group was divided again. Each quarter, we had exactly 1 hour to analyze, plan and enter the new data. Real stressful! But since we love the challenge (haha) which was not enough - it should be a "Company Information" created ... .... At noon it was

then "Mixed Group Lunch" and then it went even further: Round 3 and 4 were. My group has really put a lot of effort into the analysis (we have learned from the previous rounds) and developed a great strategy. Too bad that the system has spun and we enter our data could not * grrr *

And in Round 4, we had exactly the same problem! That's really not fun like that!

On our second "Company Information "for the afternoon was so then something like" yes, we had been planning, but our shareholders were against it and then did a tornado destroyed our factories and then we had a computer worm, and then ... "* laugh *

My group has so abgeloost completely - although it is not our mistake was!

But the good news of the day stood still: Alas, unfortunately, was the speaker for the 18:30 - 20.30Uhr event prevented, so they had to turn out ... ohhhhhhhh

And that was just as well, namely we had to organize many more things. To 24h on the day we had to make a group presentation. And then there was the task a 30sec commercial for the IMBA Program to make.

is one part of our team that is going to create a Group Board (on the possibilities we had already discussed the day before). And the other part of the group to "The Ants" gone, a restaurant / Pup in vicinity of the wheel (the western food has * smile *).

In this group, I was. And I can tell you, 10 people are indeed creative, but not efficient. Nevertheless, we have however agreed to 11am on a spot. And I must say, has become really super!

Thursday, 09.17.2009 - Do good!

on time at 8.30am, we were all (including the "normal" MBA students) sponsors dressed in T-shirts in the great hall. Then there were more "inspiring" speeches (some in English but mostly in Chinese). And to 10am we went wrong with "community service". Divided into mixed groups should We collect money for various projects and attention. My group gathered, for example, "Rural Area Education". And since I can not speak Chinese, my job was hand out flyers and talking to each Westerners who came over. That was fun :-)

And opposite us was another group that tried to persuade more people to wash their hands (or at least disinfect) - was considered very funny, but less successful ...

counter 16h and then we were all back in the big And ... Aula miracle oh miracle, my High Five group has actually collected the most money in total: more than 1000 RMB (100 €) * happy *. And not only that, we have also spoken at a distance with most people: over 150 (!). It was worth it!

After the community service we had actually a break! Exactly 2 hours. 19h against it was called then "make chic to the Welcome Party". There, you should then talk to as many people as possible. , I'm all 10 new people to know. And I think that's a lot when you consider that many students are from the normal MBA class no English (and many people have also come not at first). Anyway, we have

(part of my group) are then passed to 22h. Finally we had to make our Advertisement on the next day.

Jay and MJ in my group were so nice, and that (as we have done other community service), the footage collected: 3 hours!

The four of us have any in "The Ants" working on a text and the material sighted. Half of the Advertisement, we were able to do that already.

And to 2am in the morning she left us kicked out because they wanted to close ... Terry, who was responsible for the instrumentation, then continued to work at home, while the others are in bed * To have Gääääääähn

8am we four of us - yawn *

Friday, 09/18/2009 and again taken. Fortunately, in a Study Room here in the dormitory - so I could practically in pajamas go there (see picture). With great difficulty we then also get the movie finished and delivered just on time. But we were all very very happy with it :-)

To celebrate the success we went to eat together in the cafeteria (where we ordered food, which is a bit more expensive but tastes much better than the normal cafeteria food).

To 1am then we all crammed into the business outfit, because it was the presentation of advertisements. I have presented and I must say that it was not too bad (for an English lecture before a large auditorium). Disappointing was only lukewarm response to the jury - we were on the back out so that we IMBAL anything in / have made in English, whereas the Mbale had everything in Chinese (and also positive reactions to got their 5 minutes (!) films).

any case was decided that we IMBAL not stay until the end have to - what a joy. So we could go home to 16h (and some sleep) before the program went on to 18h.
As soon as I
our film, lad I him up - the fact is become really good:-D

counter 18.30Uhr came even more good news. The CEO of a company should really think of 21h to the Case Study Competition of his company. Unfortunately, he was prevented, so we only get a 30min short introduction ... ohhhhhhh.

Finally we could finally go to bed at normal times!

Saturday, 19.09.2009 - "What should we do this again? "

was on this day it apart from the" Mixed Groups Lunch "no activity. Consequently, we have decided that every morning and reads the Case Study yourself thinking makes it so.

After lunch we then met as a group to discuss.

And since we had all week, learned a lot about teamwork (and each other by now quite well known), we have now divided the group into: macro analysis, micro-analysis and other factors. Because with only 4 people working there are simply better.

My group (macro analysis) then using the LE PEST C Analysis and Porter's 5 Forces also found many Oportunities and Threats.

4am we all have against us, click on "The Ants" - met (where else I think we should move in there!) Findings and bore all together. And then the discussion going on about ... Recommendations

counter 12am, we then agreed on recommendations about 4 ... phew! So we could go home * * jippi

Sunday, 09/20/2009 - Time time, time!

early as 8 o'clock we continued to build with presentation. And there was Terry, Ioana, Winston and I, who have taken responsibility for it. And we are also very good progress ... until then to 11 am the rest of the group has emerged. And there was a debate going again. I tell you, 13 people are just too much for teamwork!

Since the PPT but we had to give at 12am, the discussion has been held in check and we could (again in the business outfit) on the way to the SEM Building . Make

Hmm ... as for the actual Presidential ... hm ...

We had decided that 5 people present, so that the chance to try out without the pressure. Too bad that we have forgotten about the timing. Therefore, we could say the most important issues any more ("Time Out").

addition, there was that someone from the group during the Question & Answer thereafter, really stupid answers ... In sum we can say: we were really well-prepared but rescues the poor presentation and not live. Something else learned!

the evening was then from 19h to 22h "Closing Ceremony" is announced. We had to move the building and go into the great hall (in the center of the campus). From the outside, that's really impressive from the inside but rather shabby. And so glamorous "Closing Ceremony" sounds, so chaotic it was. The following picture of Helen (in my group) expresses the mood good.

But that's not enough. Because after this busy week, was announced to celebrate. And while most groups went to a bar or disco, we have let the week end Chinese: with karaoke.

I tell you: that was fun - we have durchgesungen but really good 4 hours. Everything from traditional Chinese and Korean Hip-Hop to Backstreet Boys. And really all of the group were there we partied with! It did really well :-)

Monday, 09.21.2009 - SCHLAAAAFEN

have up to 2am in the morning, we sang. Against 3am I was in bed. And growing at 7 again. At 8 If the first instruction was prepared: Leadership.

went Fortunately, only 2 hours! After that quickly pick up books (which are in the Tuition Fee of it with * happy *) and then home to bed. For added at 16h, my Study Group met again ...

The instructors have all grouped in a class 1 and 2, so that each IMBA class "only" has 63 instead of 126 people. And, within these classes there Study Groups, which together form the homework Case Studies and should do and such.

If you throw it next time take a look at my schedule, you will notice that I'm only 7 subjects and partly added. My first thought was, therefore, "hm ... there is quite a lot of free time." But if you remember, I am still tired and stressed.

times now counts 1 and 1 together and what comes out? Correct; super much homework!

(click to Vegrößern)

Tuesday, 09.22.2009 - "Can not the fans who tell them apart?"

8:30 - 12 it was "Managerial Communication," which translates as a Rethorikkurs comes close.

was 13-17h then "Managerial Thinking. And by then then no one has looked through which subject which tasks entails.

First, we need to read a chapter every week (per subject per book!). For Leadership, we will also write a Weekly Journal. Managerial Thinking requires Case Studies and a memo. Managerial Communication and requires, in addition to reading and case studies and weekly presentations. And most of it must be done as a team .... * HELP *

Too bad that I have agreed to conduct my study group. Ie I touch the discussions together (especially since I'm the only one who makes useful notes) and time / task design. In short, I do all the homework in sight and see that everyone is there. The former is far reasonably okay (albeit messy), the latter we have been unable ...

But to go back to the daily routine: there is still a Erfolgsstorry. I was shopping in the evening still fast (that is outside of the campus). And what I finally finally found after a long search! Stink quite normal "Leitz" folder * * jippi

Now I can finally start studying :-)

Wednesday, 09.23.2009 - "Where is our study group? "

morning we went just around 8am (8 gong!) with leadership.

After that (without a break) announced Economics.

And then (at 2am) Study Group has met my homework to make the communication and vote for the homework of leadership and to clarify other matters. Theoretically! For as the very first meeting, two people have been missing ...

First, that's really annoying because we do their work with. Second, it works but with only 4 people a lot easier ...

Anyway, we were (by Chinese standards) very efficiently. In just 2 hours, we have analyzed two speeches and agreed on a presentation theme for next Tuesday and have distributed the tasks for it. I'm really proud of us :-)

evening are Darren, Terry, Patrick and I then agreed that we should treat even a little. So it was pizza jippi * * (and then to learning * grrr *).

Thursday, 09/24/2009 - Accounting!

Okay ... I admit ... the whole week, I am less than "not happy" that we are this morning (at 8.30am) Accounting have. I've already made during the BA do not like and therefore my motivation in the morning was not sooooo overwhelming (especially since this book is written in an inviting black ... SUPER!).

But I must say, the woman was really nice and it was interesting and even ... I dare say it to me ... it has hardly any fun ... * scary *

any case went all the good 4 hours, so I'm home then directly into the dorm to me a little lie (nap will still be my best friend, I see now!).

My plan for the afternoon was the two articles for Managerial Thinking (I think) to check it to write the memo (which we must submit on Monday).

Hm ... the motivation for "Porter" was then, however, very very low and the other products did not look too inviting.

why I did not do any homework falls for Communication. I must say, I'm proud of myself: I'm good in 4 hours 80Seiten read and summarized.

And so ... I do tonight to write anything more than the blog (I'm behind you!) And see maybe NEN movie :-)

And quick update FS r tomorrow morning I did not have classes and lunch (this week) only 2 hours. Dinner is all-IMBA students who live here in the Dorm. And then we go to La Bamba and propaganda to celebrate. Funnily enough, that is still has someone's birthday.

But all too long I can not, because on Saturday I have a day trip booked * happy *

Wow! View of the Clock - I wrote almost 2 hours o_O

Thursday, September 10, 2009

How To Make Skin Lighter In Pubic Area

vics_blog @ 2009-09-11T01: 52:00

Hello everyone and good morning, here's degree

times 8am, but like every morning I pinto with tea and fruit for the first time, what do you mean night you have done for so
:-) And before I go into the program (9 am is yet another introduction), I wanted to nor my last day to post so you know that I am still around.
And a reminder, I'm still, someone has tried Wednesday to call me - but I unfortunately missed the call (sorry). By forwarding on Skype I do not see the caller's number. So please, please call again or send a mail - thanks :-)

it, then have fun reading!

Sunday, 09/08/2009 - math ... or something ...

Sunday has once again started very relaxed. At 7 I was awakened by the train, but was back to sleep well. Around 8, the apartment As always showered on me, but even then I could very well continue snoozing ... until the bell rang at 8:30 the alarm clock.

then made comfortable NEN tea, turned on compiler and checked mail. At about 12 I am slowly eating in the cafeteria at noon and since then I have also taken equal to 2 students, so we are at about half past 2 together for math course.

math was in school so clearly one of my strengths and I've also made it really always liked. No kidding! In the BA, I must confess I was no longer quite so good - but I understood math yet ... up to the present day!

The Prof, a very sympathetic and relatively young man, has handed out small "day scripts, and begun in reasonably clear English lecture to ... after he first repeated several times that it is a voluntary course - I think the buck ... no

had any case, the script (as expected) in English, which has attended the first challenge. Or has anyone of you have heard of times "derivatives" or "convexity"? But as Math = Math is in any language - so I thought - I was starting to very optimistic. The longer the course is gone, the more doubt I get it. For example > The GDP of a country which N (t) = tt t +5 +106 dollars t years after 1995th At what rate was the GDP with respect to changing time in 2003? \u0026lt; be honest, I do not even understand the question and I think there are also missing some information. But that's not enough, the Prof is also the rather confused by the variety and therefore raises the other variables like the time ... very fun, if only you anyway half understood.

To my relief, I am not the only one who understood only station. The majority of the course may not follow ...

any event, we hope, therefore, that the level of math course based on what we need is, or that we repeat the necessary things slow again (who can also 3 in 1 Topics hours and take 3 hours?).

After class, then had the chance to get to know other people from the course, which I also used the same and with a group of about 16 people (including the other German and the Swiss / Italian) am in the cafeteria. That was really funny - and because after that it was not too late, we all have a short trip into the dormitory for local students made.

I'm still complaining that we have only now and then hot water and my room is really super super mini ... I will never again complain about my dorm! ! NEVER NEVER AGAIN! The Dorm, where the Chinese students are housed resembles a prison - but a Turkish on the variety!

per room (approx 16sqm) stay 3 people. So there are 3 bunk beds and desks including 3. And that's it. On each floor there is also a laundry room - with cold water. And to the showers, the residents need to go to another building (where there is only cold water). Ehrlich: never, never again will I complain!

For comparison, a series of images: first the room at the Local Dorm, then 2 shots of my room ... And? Do you find the differences?

Monday, 09/07/2009 - Introduction ... again

This morning at 8.30am was at math. This time it was about functions and their derivation. Again, the examples were so turned off that it made me more confused than it would have helped. And even though I've already learned something 2 times (and really understood and may have!). So I've decided in the first break to prefer to go to the dorm and I read through the documents there in peace.

The time is then gone and really have to 12pm I scared determined that we at 13h again the next Introduction (this time on the IMBA Program) have. So I quickly threw in quickly peel and eat from the cafeteria to what. From there, then in no time back to the SEM Building and ... I was a good 15 minutes too soon ... phew!

Introduction This was then, fortunately less boring than the two before that. were And apart from that, the films turned over too quickly, it has also helped me this time. Thus, we have experienced as of the various activities and professors. Not quite bad.

Next to me was a Chinese (Cici) and asked me about the Introduction, if I feel like introducing them to come to the library. I got it!

Get on your wheels and then go to the Bib - where we have only just missed the leadership, which is why we are even going to 4t the building are to explore: not bad and really beautiful, but also very confusing. Good thing all the business books are not here but in the SEM are * happy *

went to the Bib then walk is near. The University has in fact already Founded in 1911, so we wanted to see the entrance and the old buildings. In addition to the movie house (here in the background), we also have such an old bell, a park and the former emperor's brother palace "displayed (see picture). Unfortunately, you can go there again until after the anniversary (end September) pure. But even from the outside that was really impressive. Why on campus is such a palace? The entire area is located near the Summer Palace. And all around the summer palace was a park back then so will the site of the university. So here is therefore a palace (and therefore everything is so green).

On the way back to the dorm I was followed quickly by going shopping. Not so easy let me tell you ... but at least I've got salt and shampoo (even though I still do not know if the shampoo is good from what I can see nothing). But I tell you ... the Chinese food I am disappointed more and more: I've bought chocolate chip cookies. On the package they look totally out delicious (see the cookie on the right side). But when I opened the package I've been deeply disappointed (see the cookie on the left side). This should be chocolate biscuits? Where's the biscuit? Where's the chocolate? So real time ...

Another surprise: my roommate has emerged. This girl I'm going to so notify the months of kitchen and bathroom. Just a pity that she does not speak English ...

Tuesday, 09.08.2009 - More Introduction

morning was back to math - the day may be better ? begin! Theme this time were functions and their derivatives. I think we have time in the 9th Class made and then I understood it really well. The "simple" examples we have here, however, it's really no wonder that we are all mostly with riiiiesengroßen question mark there ... but ... today was a bit (!) Better than on Monday.

But that's really depressing, and I consider myself as a person who has understood the math pretty well so far. And what we are doing here is actually not new to me. It's just a) too long ago and b) in English and c) to explain complicated.

has meant since the teacher but he would eh teach a very very high level (and we would need most of it probably never again), I'm still relaxed ... ...

noon I got me then the "canteen group connected. We went to math in one of the canteens. Since I'm greasy Chinese food'm sorry really slow, I ordered my soup. And that was really really delicious! After dinner (half a second down after the last out has his fingers - Chinese spend less time at dinner) we went to the dormitory of one of the students (because we have good time 30min had and it was close). I told you already of the dorms of the "Local MBA Students" tells, is not it? Prisons - the Turkish way! was

noon there for 2 hours the next Introduction. This time, the Alumni Program at the university. Objectively, this is a very exciting topic, since one of the alumni and the mentoring program can make many contacts. Unfortunately, the presenters have not really taken over but so, so much talk around the bush and sleep-out and obsolete ... In short, it was anything but inspiring and exciting ...

evening I was so tired of cafeteria food (kitchen to cook itself, I have unfortunately not), I've talked with David me to go eat outside. We then went to "The Bridge". This is served such a restaurant / coffee shop, the European food. And I say, salad and pizza have rarely tasted so good! Since we are the Dorm to The Bridge 30min walk went well, we did not run after eating the same again back. Gabs ne student bar next door and since then we have even indulged in beer and chatted n. That was a good ending to an uneventful day!

Wednesday, 09/09/2009 - Achoo!

The Wednesday then, unfortunately, has started less glorious: (! On Tuesday though I NEN sweater and jacket had to ne), I woke up with sore throats and colds. To this was added that I have not really slept all night ... well

Nevertheless, I was sitting at 8.30 time in math - and I also held out ... at least until the second break. Since then I felt so bad that I went to the Dorm ... and only slept for two hours.

Unfortunately I had to get up at 0:30 that is again because we still had an Introduction. And as "Introduction to information resources" sounds important, I wanted to fail the no circumstances can (even for today's times blue sky out there!).

The lecture was then more or less exciting. Especially great were the whole "this is a very important system for you, ask you notice the website - But is only in Chinese. " And intended as the woman (in broken English) she will send the presentation around, our attention was finally over.

15h we were then dismissed in order and I would really like to immediately go home to bed. But ... we still had the official "photo taking" because we felt a total of only 100 passport photos have been submitted to the Uni ...

And when 120 people all by a photographer and 1 computer had to be smuggled ... we stood a while in the long ... then ran like this: each room is in complete contact xx to (if you him / her informed in time that this is the first step). Then Chinese queue (= tailgating) on the door to room where yy is the photographer. There, sitting on the chair quickly, choose click click click "pending" and to this picture. This queue is designed in a way that the assistants of the photographer search for arbitrary images and then ask the person at the head of the series. And since I once had really lucky - were still well in front of me 20 people waved as I was - stand out so sometimes it makes sense.

And to the amusement of my fellow students I had, of course, on a picture will stretch out the tongue ... was clear ;-)

But then everything was finally finished and I was again in 17h against Dormitory and shortly after 19h in bed.

Thursday, 09.10.2009 - 2 times Hurra

morning, I am also feeling a little better. And much more It was after the shower. Therefore one must know: we have here "shower time" and only in these times there is hot water shower. However ... the water is scalding hot then. I previously had the choice between ice cold and brühendheiß - and between ("bearable") were second. But today * hurray * I have for the first time (!!!) lukewarm shower * happy *

After this success, went to experience it ... no, this time I skipped math ... to the underground station. Since I was in fact with Ken, a friend of Uwe from Nuremberg * wave wave *, agreed. That's a week here and there we have decided today to take. At half past 10 we are together for breakfast (with normal breakfast sandwich and coffee!) And then a taxi to the Summer Palace.

The Summer Palace is located in north-west of Beijing and therefore not too far away from my university (the Old Summer Palace "follows on directly to the campus and even back then everything was here rieeeesiger Park). 6 sqm area with well (Middle of the city!) It is also of far visible and one of the main attractions of the city, because here is her, the emperor moved back when it is in the city became too hot.

centerpiece is a large lake (semi-natural Urspruch). In the lake there are several small islands with temples and you can also take a pedal boat or by "dragon boat" on the lake. But the really impressive is the palace that overlooks the whole (see picture). The buildings are just gorgeous, and even that you know that they mostly are replicated, it makes no less impressive. The euphoria, however, slowed down a bit, that a) an incredible number of people are on the road, b) is not inside the palace can and c) a building looks like any other.

(NEN times just so you get small taste - really, I could still post a lot more great pictures)


After a good 5 hours on the road around and take pictures, we were also quite at the end. And I'm really proud of us because we have not let the taxi drivers still get caught when he tried to have double the fare * happy *

counter 15h is Kerstin has also have to say goodbye (she wanted all also still see the Bird's Nest and I had in my next Introduction). was

Shortly before 4 then also "Introduction to Career Development Centre" is announced - but not until I was in ner pharmacy to pick up something against the common cold (I think by now I had even to get a fever). And you know what? This is my 2nd "Hurrah for today, because even without Chinese knowledge I've got Aspirin + C (and immediately smashed).

From 15:45 to 17:45 was then so fashionable Nr.122392364 Introduction. And miracle oh miracle, although that was super long (@ Uwe: We had to cancel for such statistics immediately!) But really very helpful.

To Do Next was "take food," then. And again I was lucky, because my two Indian students have an Indian restaurant nearby gefunden und haben mich mitgenommen. Und das war wirklich wirklich gute und indische Küche!

Frisch gestärkt konnten wir dann um 19Uhr auch den Ausführungen zum Thema „Business Etiquette Training“ lauschen. Und das war einfach nur super spaßig; der Referent war ein hoch angesehener Stylist und der hat uns verraten, welche Farbtypen es gibt und was man in Business in China (nicht) tragen kann. Ich war übrigens eine richtige Herausforderung für ihn: warme, helle und bunte Farben *lach*


Soweit so gut also für die letzten Tage. Der Schnupfen is not quite gone this morning, but a bit better. Well, now I must hurry, since I only have 15 minutes ...

Love, Victoria

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Hp 2009 Wireless Flatbed Scanner

Welcome, Welcome, Welcome

Hello dear ones,

many thanks for all the comments and emails - I'm looking forward to hearing from you every time :-)

The Special Greetings go this time to the "old" Kollengen from the Q: wave after wave Nuremberg at this point - think of people :-)

Well, now formally part of the report ...

Thursday, 09/03/2009 - WOW!

While you slept I did my first sightseeing tour here in Beijing. David (a language student from Kazakhstan) and I met at 9 clock in the morning full of energy ... in order for the first time in peace and quiet to go for breakfast. Against 10, we then rose into the subway. I'll tell you: these things are here of something modern, there may even pack up the ghost subway in Nuremberg! At the entrance of the airport as the bag is scanned (and if you have bad luck you yourself also). Then a voice announces the arrival of the subway. When it is only the doors on the go other side, so that passengers can get off. And then the floodgates open (!) And doors so that you may enter it yourself.

Anyway, we went with this U-Bahn (line 13) toward downtown, where we arrived after 3 times (!) Change and just over 1 hour's drive in Tiananmen Square (Tiananmen Square =). Directly in front of us, there were huge Chinese towers (on the picture you see the Arrow Tower). From there we walked just ne Touristraße long: all the houses were brand new fronts in the style of bygone days reproduced in those days and in it were then super expensive and modern shops (such as H & M, Zara ...). Since the road was a little long but (and ended in nowhere) we are with such a small antique tram back down (to see in the background).

And then we had a really difficult task ahead of us: we had somehow a 5spurige finally up the right tunnel and stood at the edge of Tiananmen Square! Right was the front gate and left the Mao Memorial Hall. And everywhere there were people! The place is absolutely huge! And then the crowds! Wow!

Our plan was to run from the bottom of the upper and then to go first in the Memorial Hall. However ... since you had to show the card ... and David did not have it ...

So off we went towards the Forbidden City ... where we are but only once turned left into the Zhongshan Park to go. Namely, we were now quite ready (after about 3 hours in this sultry). In the park we then have an aquarium with fish in it found strange - and, more importantly, a restaurant. Therefore, it was the first time take food!

counter 14am (and by even more running around) we were then finally at the entrance to the Forbidden City.

As I said, it was 14am and David had no ID there. Thus, we decided we set aside the Forbidden City for another time and then spend the whole day there. So we went back to the subway and change trains 4 times by the Olympic site.

have arrived where we first decided on a tour of the Forrest Park (which is no Forrest) to make. So we were able to let go around 30 minutes long in nem oversized golf card (for the equivalent of € 2 per person!). Since all grass-not-enter signs were and we were really tired, we are high after the tour a very small way and have since hidden the whole set of gardening on the grass. I tell you, that did something of a good lie simply in the open!

Unfortunately, it was already 4 am but soon and we still wanted to see the rest of the Olympic site, we have been armed with ice in the direction of the stadium on foot ... again ...

From distance was also very impressive (especially with the statues and small lakes everywhere) - from near the stadium was a bit boring ... but then ... just when smog alerts ... run

instead of once around the outside, we have (after photo session with a Chinese woman who desperately wanted to take pictures of themselves with us * lol *) again visited the metro. After only (!) Change 2 times we were already back at the university.

Meanwhile there was also almost 7 am and lunchtime. And in the canteen then again we had so much fun! David and I have to celebrate the day, the first Chinese beer made in Beijing and indulged to watermelon eaten. (The use here that is as much fat for cooking, that one hot meal a day is sufficient!) At the next table sat a Westerner, which I've estimated to be "could be German." So we have invited us to the table. After Christoph (= Switzerland, I was not so bad) we sat, there was another Chinese girl and has set itself to do so (Jennifer from near Munich * laugh *) and then there was still Claire (= Ghana) to do so. We were on the night that is quite a funny round :-)

And while David and Chris are still in NEN pub ... I've protected my feet and was about 10 am in bed.

Friday, 09.04.2009 - It's raining

Despite the many movements on Thursday I slept really super bad. After the train around 7:30 am I like always has awakened, I also actually fallen asleep again ... until the alarm rang at 8.30 has ... But it was really not worth getting up, that is out there, it has been raining in torrents . In the photo is the view of the campus plan - (! Despite the rain) so you get an idea of the sultry ;-)

I wanted to go this morning so the official opening ceremony before the main building. But ... that has already started at 8am ... and as I said, it rained. So once again turned around and started the morning only once cozy with tea and biscuits.

But against 12am I had to get out but once, since I was in fact agreed with Dipak (= Indian from my course) for lunch. The funny thing is, Dipak, a little German and would like to :-) improve the

Anyway, we were just really nice lunch times (6 different courts for not even 60Yuan !!!). And then get a metro card for him. Since Dipak has just arrived here, I gave him something the area shown around the campus. In our Uniplan

is that we will do after next week outdoor training - for which you need sports equipment. Neither Dipak I still have sports stuff here, so we are after the short tour have gone to the supermarket. However, we do not have T-shirts and short pants, had to get "Just" go away with shoes and lots of vegetables. But ... finally back good vegetables! The supermarket on the campus has won only fruit!

And next to this success, we have also found a language school that teaches the Mandarin (to book a time and can come no matter what day). Unfortunately, we have only 1 time a week, namely the Chinese and hands me back and forth ... not

evening I had then, the Challenge "wash wash". This meant first time to go # 19 to get a Laundry Card. Then to the supermarket can hang on hangers and then part of the one the wet UWäsche. And what was most difficult: Detergent!

the way I did then randomly taken Mexicans still nen who will study in my program equipped * laugh *

With all these things I got it but then actually get through the washing machine to start (and the things have even become clean!).

Saturday, 05.09.2009 - Welcome! Welcome! Welcome!

This day started comfortably. What I want to go out on the water ... er ... when the air is out there?

14am To begin, the Welcome Ceremony at the SEM and was previously verdrödeln still far too much time ...

am against 13h then I came again in spite of all stress. Quick attract (what you wear when prompted "dress formally?) To swing on a bike (in the business suit!) And into the auditorium. Oh man, I tell you ... the room was really totally beautiful ('s also fresh renovated) and there were then about 200 people in it. And this level by 30 to a headset, ie international students who can not speak Chinese, I ;-)

ie any event, the Opening Ceremony was about 1 hour, in which the leadership of the SEM and welcomed to the big step, congratulates urges hard work and friendliness ... and everything in Chinese with grottig translation. After one hour I have at any rate the history and the university for at least 3 times Motti heard.

But that's not all, for now begins the Welcome Session. So once again a good 1.5 hours of talk about ... the exact same topic plus 1 hour "Tips and Reminders to our study (which can still remember no bad!) ... I tell you, that was kind of boring : Welcome to China!

It has also seen people really like the whole thing was exciting and a number of Chinese students has really gone to sleep there ... But we have held very well by international think * lol *

After the official program were then almost only "international" in the room and we have wild confused talk. The majority of them have to say is, Chinese-born and as far as I've noticed limit, the international real to about 10 people (including 1 other German, but which I still do not know and 1 Swiss I have not seen I).


After this exhausting afternoon five classmates (all Chinese Americans!) And I only decided to go eat something ... and that was again a very fun event. 3 of these people also live with me in the dorm, so we are open again at 7 there.

Conclusion: if the classes are boring as are the speeches, it is really tough times. But if people are all so nice, we are still quite a lot of fun!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Is Lavender Oil Good For Scars

Juhu - I am now officially a student

Monday, 31.08.2009 - China = bureaucracy


Phew I'm done ... but that's to be expected after a marathon five hours bureaucracy, right? But always in order ...

When I woke up this morning, it was outside humid as in the greenhouse and the sky was one big cloud of dust. My Lonely Planet I do the following: "Beijing is the most polluted of the major cities, using measurements of the number of micrograms of particles of pollution dust per cubic meter. Beijing's level is 142 micrograms (Paris 22, London 24, NY 27). The WHO guideline is 20 " all I have to say probably not, right?

(outlook left over the railroad crossings, straight to # 21 and turn right on Campus)

Anyway, I've driven in the morning for the first time some of the campus. I had, nor to waste time ... And I was really strange happened: I heard yelling from a corner. Curious as I am, so I'm out there. And what was the matter? Marching young people (see photo). All around the sports grounds were uniformed teenagers who have tried (!) To march in rank and file. They wore funny red flags (in addition to soda bottles and backpacks * laugh *) and every now and then on command roared. Real strange ...

Unfortunately, I have the gaping and driving around but not long enough stopped. When I was in fact to 13h on Health Care Center, could not find my documents. So it had to wait for now. After 1 hour I then queued again (and was glad that the two buses with people to register and not to be picked up there were). This time I had more luck.

counter 15h then again I was on campus and have some coffee first ... drunk. Break must be sometimes. Then it was then straight on to the (now already well known) Building 22, where the registration was to take place. At the entrance gabs then something really bizarre: temperature measurement by end camera: (! And only in this) Anyone in the building was clean, had to keep his forehead ran to a camera and then has the body temperature is displayed. If it will make each lecture is funny ;-)

For Registration you had to first see all the documents can be seen by a student (that also has all his accuracy and lack of copies could be made). Then it went to the next queue in the teachers. They had a full 2 person sit in the office (and 20 students waiting) (!) - Tricky was, however, that spoke of the 2 people only 1 English: Welcome to China!

has also in this line (after waiting about 30 minutes) everything worked out quite well and I was allowed to continue for info packet-pick up and queue for visas. And since not everything could go so smoothly, there were problems with visas: the photos that I can make in Dt did were not right and on my Residence Permission form they could not read my apartment number.

So off to the supermarket and take pictures. And this problem was already 2: I'm the woman in the store an example photo pressed into his hand and said with his hands and feet, I just want to have your 4 photos of me. While waiting I am very nice to talk to an American - even they can not speak Chinese, so we had some exchange.

The most important information, however, was marching on the teenager: I was told that this is the first to the newcomers These semester. The need to appear in the first few weeks (!) This drill several times to go through drill and practice all day long! For what it's good, but I do not ... Oh man ... I really hope that at our Orientation Week not it is ...

In any event, at some point the saleswoman came back (I thought that I had forgotten). And with it came a surprise: instead of a photo taken of me, the seller has the image that I've given it 4 times ... copy go well, may have her. Looking for something in the dictionary she then understood, however, what I want and only a few minutes later I had my 4 images. (The American had been there to explain more problems that it needs instead of 4 images 8).

Next Tour was then to house 19 (already an old friend) to bring me a new RPF. Fortunately, there were fewer problems because the woman at the counter at least a little English spoken.

Armed with photos and RPF then back to the Visa Office in # 22 There I am then impudently laid jostles easy and in minutes I had the form for Visa. And in only (!) 2 weeks, can I pick up my passport. I just hope I do not need it in time or that the form that I've got, really a replacement card is ... so I completely trust the not ...

So much then for Monday. Oh yes, one thing I've never done. I have a redirect set up on Skype. If I am now calling on Skype and I struggled not before (because I am offline) you will automatically forwarded to my phone (which I paid). And I get a number soon, so you can call me from the phone to the local rate dt Skype (or forwarding). I believe that the communication is a lot easier :-)

Sunday and now it's 7:30 and I will eat a delicious by the Jiaozi, which I now have lunch worried. From 8, it's back hot water for showers - I'll tell you here get there sweating out no more - and it will be used, as they (! unthinkable in Dt) overnight to remove the lines and I'm not quite sure whether it tomorrow then also really working again. We'll see!

Tuesday, 09.01.2009 - Doing nothing is doing well sometimes

I think the title says a lot. Today, nothing was announced. That means I'm now up early this morning (my friend, the train makes it possible) and then got the first time mails checked. At about 10, it then with Butterfly in the direction of Baker at the main entrance. Since then gave a yummy ... what always-too-sweet dough made with sausages and cheese. Sounds weird, but it was damn tasty. Mainly because I've enjoyed in the many parks on campus. Besides, I've repeated the numbers from 1-10. And so I can now count to 100 !

After breakfast (so to 12pm) I was back in the dorm and have seen little remote. I must admit, is that really more boring than ours: namely, I have only 1 program in English and bring all the time documentaries and news (all of course extremely positive when it comes to China and rather critical of other nations). Others I have me a documentary about a concentration camp in Poland and a viewing of Mongolia. And in the news then I learned that the opposition has won in Japan and some football player to Barcelona ... changes very exciting, right? * Yawn *

Sometime around 15-16h of my time, I could then make calls to Dt, because you finally awake waiting * lol *. Only Grandma & Grandpa, then Mom and then jasmine. I was so glad to hear you all - because I feel much closer to home. And I tell people - Skype is truly a miracle that anything is possible ... because I'm including a German fixed-line number on which you can normally call me by phone. And thanks to redirect you land directly on my phone. Real awesome!

BTW: if you want the landline number, please send me a mail!

18h against me then I met with Simon and a student from the 2009 IMBA-rate (-> I'm born in the 2011er since 2011, I'll do my degree!). The food was good and again I got quite a lot of information. Others I know now that tomorrow I need to register and also that I will be in the first half probably very busy. AND I've also learned that we are in 2 weeks, the Orientation Week, making an outdoor training - I just hope I get the sleeping bags and have no self ... must

Well, that was It also heard about this very uneventful day. Does but sometimes nothing at all to make a good thing ;-)

BTW: I now know why the freshmen have to make this military training. The student, with which we were eating today has meant that would strengthen the cohesion and social behavior, particularly because many young people still very young and spoiled only children are. Aha ... ... ... ... ... ... ..

Hm ... now is already half-9pm and still sing ... I hope that tomorrow everyone is hoarse, so I got my rest:-P

Wednesday, 09.02.2009 - From A to D to Z to B to D to

... After I so yesterday a was quite quiet day, I was all day today on the move (I'll tell you - moving as much as in 1 day here I am earlier in 1 week!). At 9 clock in the morning it was already going towards high school (= turn echoed). Accompanied by two other intern students from a floor above me, we have embarked on the fight. ("To get in the gym take picture, collect student ID and meal card, then the faculty at the documents") because the plan has heard all this easy. ONLY they had concealed us that all students would be on that day in the gym to do just that. At 9 we have clock So we fight to some pre-release 1 to find out that we need to stand 2, where they told us that we are all wrong and only have to take a picture. And of course, had to leave with us to make all the other a photo. queue after about 1 hour we had our student ID. Next snake was it for the food cards. And since we were told that we 200 RMB (about 20 €) in stock here and now need to load onto the card ... ... ... What we have not made then. According to the file, you can also get the card that is supposed to house 15 (and any Book value on it).

We were then in high school so ready. Next we were led on the basketball court next door, where each department had a booth. After a long search I got my SEM (School of Economics and Management) found ... where I was told that I should as an international student at the same building as the SEM (not here) to pick up my records ... So back up again Radel and driven to the SEM.

There was less chaos and then fortunately I came after only a few minutes to register. A bit of form filling (I'm already used), package pick up (even more documents), and then there were a T-shirt (to be worn at the opening ceremony) and NEN backpack * * jippi

Fully loaded with goodies, make life more beautiful (see picture right), then we went back up (which are not relegated to the other side of campus) in the direction of the dormitories. Given that the building is No. 15 in which I wanted to pick up my meal card. Unfortunately, I was the guy at the entrance (in very basic English) told I to the mall area in need xxx. Once there, you have understood no English and just because I happened to ... a US-Chinese from my class have taken, were able to tell me that I most certainly (!) must get to Building 15 to the card. Together we are again running after 15 minutes. Just so we are told there that there is another building 15 and since you have to pick up the card. AHA!

Meanwhile, I was already so badly affected that I am first time back to the dorm (which fortunately was close by) and have been drinking tea NEN (where I and my T-shirt pants messed). When going through my documents (the stack grows and grows and grows), then I have several Things noticed
1) We have on Friday already a full schedule with entries, Welcome Party, math course etc - and I thought I myself have 2 more weeks to bore
2) The schedule was already attached, which means I need me for nothing more care and appear just yet. However, the times really strange and not always to my taste ...
3) There were many more documents to fill out ... with the information I have now determined 10 times ... have given
4) The description for the log is simply not true. It says "search XXX and the characters click on it and then to the characters and then XXX XXX and then ... "but I find these characters anywhere on the site ...
5) I had packed in my files by mistake with the name list of the Registration ... UPS!

Since I was already at 15h with Simon and Hui-Yi (our supervisor from the 2nd semester = "Buddy") agreed, I made myself to 14am on the way to school. Had decided that it probably is easier but the meal ticket to get simply there ... After the chaos in the morning am I assumed that I must queue again at least 30 minutes. But ... the hall was swept up as empty (see picture - and now you, the times at 9am in the morning before, when she was full Chinese). Then quickly to the SEM and the list of names submitted (yeah ... it has been missing ... but really, it was not my fault!). And then ... well I still had half an hour and I bit down in the area around - the campus is so great because you can do it again and again ...

counter 15h added Simon, Hui-Yi and I then arranged to meet us for coffee. That was a cute little shop, has had a very European - and others were because almost only foreigners there. Hui-Yi then gave us a lot about SEM, Tsinghua and the 1st Semester says. Really - I'm looking forward already huge (even if it sounds a lot for great work)!

At half 5, I've finally passed me and went even slightly to the nearby shopping center. In fact the information was that we will do outdoor activities and sports clothes for need, which I obviously do not have it. Sorry, but unfortunately I am not find anything so I have the dates again where to go look different ...

On the way back then to buy more quickly. I wanted to have such exclusive stuff, like "Paper Towel", "fruit" and "vegetables" - which I think he was doing to me? A tea towel I could find anywhere else ... Hmm ...

With the other half of the shopping list (water, juice, towels) then back to the dorm. And there already was 18h (and I'm starving), but sometimes I wanted to spend my new meal card (if I so much Had trouble with it!). And I tell you - for a canteen and just 6RMB (60cent) the food was fantastic! Besides, I then also made another Indian, who is also in my class * happy *

Phew! As I said, it was a really tough day today and tomorrow ... Yes do David (voice student) and I do a little sightseeing. The poor is far too early here because his program begins in just over 2 weeks ...

(Version "proud student at the main entrance of the University in humidity and smog "* laugh *)

I'll keep all and looking forward to hearing from you, Victoria

PS: And yes, I promise to do in the future more images and integrate ;-)