Half of the semester :-) Hello dear ones,
So ... since we are also (finally) again. Sorry for that I am sooooooo not have long reported. But if you following the "days" for things, you know why. I do not know if I even bring together every day, so I will probably only the "Highlights" report * laugh *
The special hug goes this time to the love Jasmin in Nuremberg - I press you gaaaaanz Dolle!
So ... let's do it ...
23.10.2009 - 25.10.2009 - First, it is different ... ... ...
... and as you think. This could be the heading for this weekend. The Friday started as always with Chinese classes in the university (= pure waste of time). To 0:30 I then China Roots "skipped" to give me a lecture on "How to become a good scholar?" To listen. The professor came from the Southern California State University, and has explained to us what we must do to become a good scholar / professor to be (as the title of the event already said). Noteworthy was that I was the only foreigner in the course (because of me the others had to suffer so in English * rofl *) and also that of a mind-Prof Maping Program has used to design for his lecture. Very innovative and really good!
Yes ... and then was still Study Group Meeting - but do not ask me what we did there ... And then, as always, Chinese (my private lessons, the much much better than that in the university!).
On Saturday I am happy animal on a trip. The Beijing Friendship Club has been invited to a trip to the nearby Durftberge - Autumn Leaves and temples * happy *. Sorry, unfortunately, but unfortunately I've already got a call on Friday morning that the trip due to bad weather (there) fails. Since I had chosen all my homework for next week already (I wanted to have Saturday free!), I had to do so and have nothing for a looooong time again relaxed.
Well ... and just then saw also the Sunday, as the announced DMD (Data, Model and Decision Class) Workshop also failed and sightseeing, our group (Dipak, Terry, Patrick, Darren and I) is due to many homework (the other) not taken.
26th - 30.10.2009 - a very normal week
As the title says ... from Monday to Friday, nothing special happened. We had an incredible number of homework (as almost always), two more or less successful group meetings (where we have our final papers for Thinking and Leadership decided) and it was even colder outside. Well ... it was all worth recounting of the week.
31.10.2009 - autumn blouse
On Saturday I woke up and the weather was fantastic. Unfortunately, my mood was anything but good. And the homework I could not bring myself ... And the evening was a Halloween party held (to which hardly anyone has logged on - are all too tired). So after half a day have been brooding in my room, I called Terry. You felt the same way - so we took advantage of the great weather and are drove to the nearby Old Summer Palace (after we have repaired my flat bike tires).
Now you think you might "like now? At the Summer Palace, the Victoria was already out! ". Nuja right .... I was at the Summer Palace (in September). But this time we wanted to Old Summer Palace. The whole area in which the university is located was in fact the old days of the summer palace of the Emperor of China. The Old Summer Palace was the 12th JH designed and beginning of the 20th Century destroyed in the Opium War. And while the Summer Palace was built afterwards, they have the Old Summer Palace converted into a park.
And in this huge park (ca.5qkm) were Terry and I went walking in the bright sunshine (and freezing temperatures). I tell you, did something of the good!
at the entrance we had to insert a stop: because one could be photographed in costumes and throw namely. We then negotiate the price a little and voila - here are the pictures * happy *
There was Halloween evening, yes, the costumes were perfect. And walk the walk had a little eerie in the autumn nature walk around with (especially after it got dark). At the end of the day we will discover even an outdoor shop and a really nice coffee. Here are a
some impressions from the Old Summer Palace and our day :-)
-> click on it to enlarge
01.11.2009 - Sunday
I really can hardly believe that one is November! Time flies so fast ...
And just in time for November, I have the window open on Sunday morning and ... Snow has fallen out! One has to know, it's snowing or raining here in Beijing as good as ever - and if it's raining / snowing, it's because the government has fired the cannon rain.
I tell you ... that was a sight for the gods could be seen everywhere excited Chinese and Südländler "who have never seen snow. We "northern lights" could only laugh as * g *
02.-08.11.2009 - full week
had this week we not only "normal" lessons. We also had 4 (!) Group Meetings, 1 Klassenkommiteemeeting (however you write that), the normal homework insanity, 1 Company Visit (the 2 hours has taken longer than planned) and * * shaking a Chinese test on Friday. These were then further 2 papers, which are released in the next week did not have to ...
The Chinese test was gaaaaanz bad. We had words and sentences read aloud (as I think was quite good) and then answer questions (which was not my strength). So far we have received no feedback, so wait :-)
The papers were in the week, however, priority clearly a star. We each had an assignment for Leadership and Thinking to write. For leadership, we should seek out a leader, and describe their approach, character and leadership style. For Thinking we should analyze one aspect of a company. Our group Silvio Berlusconi and his media empire has taken - as it were, two birds with one stone.
have in order to lighten the work, we searched all dates for both projects but in the end have each only 3 people wrote the paper and prepared the presentations. For "My Leadership Paper has also works great. The Thinking Paper (which was far more important) ... ... nuja
Thus the whole week was so full of work and in every free minute we have written to the project work ... sleep with, unfortunately, was not much :-(
11.09.2009 (Monday) - "It's time to run screaming in circles"
announced Monday, was again full power we really wanted in our group meeting the Thinking. Presented by Go ... really! I must say that this presentation was extremely important, since our communication with teacher sat in it and based its final note on the president has ... Monday we were sitting there and ... but had no homework and no presentation! I almost freaked out, I tell you!
Since the other apparently not able to have I have not written here, so half the paper and made half the president. We met the first morning and then again in the evening until 2am at.
The only positive was really on that day the snow - when we leave at 2am from the coffee , it was snowing big white flakes. It looked sooooo beautiful out (but was less convenient because we all were with the bike there). We are therefore well-40min then trudged through the snow - it was within 1 hour and was well snowed 30cm in cycling or taxi out of the question. I tell you - we were tired and overworked and it was cold - but still just very beautiful.
10.11.2009 (Tuesday) - Presidential Number 1
With the snow the night we had the next to come tomorrow but also bad problems in the university. We did not dare to ride a bike (especially since we were all in the Presidential Business outfit) and taxis were not visible. Therefore, we have run good times 30min to Uni ... and were still not the last in class!
After 2 hours Communication Class, there was another group meeting and ... oh wonderful wonderful ... the housework was of course still not finished and the president can not - I TELL YOU!
To 13.30Uhr we had presentation - and around 13h we have set the last point and are without major Practice or proofreading gone into the presentation. Accordingly, it could also ... my start was very good, Mark has to be noted the listlessness, Darren has totally lost the thread and Larry has pulled out at the end bit again. All in all, we should be ashamed but! .... And yes, I'm still mad at my group!
11/11/2009 (Wednesday) - President number two
for the presentation of the Leadership Papers have Roger, Leyi and I agreed - not exactly the most powerful force but who cares. The president was, after all was done, and this paper not all bad.
It would, however, actually contributed to the quality if Leyi had clicked through the president once before ... you know what I mean ...
All in all, the presentation was not a hit but not badly zuuuu. And then we could finally relax and sleep again!
12 - 15/11/2009 - er ... yes ...
Just in time after the first stress was around me, of course, I've caught a cold - really nice with a cold, cough, sore throat and fever - as it should be with ;-) But
the remaining days of the week were much more relaxed. Our first priority was "asleep". The second "good food" (we were good to eat sushi on Thursday and have nachgefeiert Terry's birthday). The third priority was "Party" (Karaoke IMBA two classes on Friday).
All in all a good bye to the three subjects and this super super super busy week!
13 - 22/11/2009 - bit looser
For too long we could not relax, however - namely, was this Wednesday, the Mid-Term Examination FS r of Economics. Since we were relieved of all but 3 subjects (+1 new to the evening) we had more time!
Monday was therefore only DMD and Chinese, Tuesday evening, China Institutional Environment (CIE - actually Economics). Wednesday economics and Chinese. Thursday and Friday Accounting and CIE Chinese, China Roots and Chinese. Something we call here a week off * laughs *
The test is certainly not gone bad. I've found so far only one mistake and I am quite positive - let's see, say what the results were then ;-)
On Thursday, then another highlight, called "Meeting with Dean." We had the honor husthust * * the head of our faculty to meet personally and talk to him. The whole course was still in high official frame (with President and pre-agreed questions and such) but quite relaxed. He seems really nice and a very intelligent man. His answers were very very political and therefore we were able to "read between the lines" all of us in practice * lol *.
was then then our first SAP = Student Ambassador Meeting. In this group, only international IMBA students. The aim is to act as consultants, so to speak and to give the MBA Office advice on where and how the program can be improved (and then of course run the projects). As always, the usual suspects present ;-)
The weekend was then pretty relaxed - we had a few homework and were finally able to sleep again, relax and do nothing just happy * *
Yes ... So ... then so much time in "soon". I am also working quite diligently on the next part and I promise that they may even be ready before Christmas ;-)
And next time there will also have a collection of images "best off".
Until then I press you all gaaaaanz Dolle,