Thursday, June 24, 2010

Dance Women's Brogues

Back in civilization!

aaalso, we'll see ...
university was technically lately to do quite a bit ... Unit here, Unit since that 平和 学习 (Peace Research), of course, a few small tests, Learning for the JLPT and by the way and the project work ...
peace research, we have finally put behind us, that has already cost a lot of preparation time and were also generally very mood-lowering hours ... In the course of which we were still in a museum on Tuesday and now a / r / m (?) ガマ "Gama", which are so natural, vast underground caverns, where in WW2 then as mass suicides took place ... There was no light in there also, except the small torches, everyone got down in his hand was wet / damp, cold and a total of simple really ... scary. Especially, of course, if you know where you are actually there was just and what is there anything terrible has happened. (At one point we were also asked to identify ALL the lamps and to imagine what it was like - if you then as keys with his hands and his family must feel, if they are alive or already are cold ... we had really been comfortable Uni-"Entertainment"). Tomorrow it goes the way it came out of the peace research "in the Peace Memorial Museum, I am already on it (if you can call it that).

So what was it ... achso we are in the middle of the filming for the project. I have been a few embarrassing scenes as Rose from Titanic put behind me and on weekends we do on the beach then turn the final scenes.
Although it is slightly stressful time for them all, it's definitely better than ever totally fun and I think the result is also true funny!
In "The Ring" group, I served for turning it, as we have turned the home of a teacher (she has one of the death-roll). It was really interesting to see their house - although it was actually the same as I had imagined. In any case, the ring group is also very promising, which is an absolute screamer of humor ^ ^ Probably I shall soon be again a "guest appearance" and you may then play a death-roll.

Thus, apart from Uni ...

Has it happened not so much. I go as always to the eiken meeting, yes, the place for this semester 2 times every week (Wednesday to discuss, watch film Friday). With which we were yesterday afternoon still well short bowling.
Achso last week was the "Cine-marathon" because we have taken early in the evening, first cooked (たこ焼き, お好み焼き, 焼きそば, 流し そう めん). The funniest were the "nagashi-soumen" ("Soumen noodles can flow"), represents a few of the guys the night before at somewhere Night and Fog gone to fetch bamboo (which you may not actually have ...), then painstakingly edited, so that was very smooth from the inside. So, the principle goes something like this. It allows water to flow through the bamboo, and all were raised with the bamboo sticks around. Then there are the noodles were, "slide" left and you must try to catch them on the chopsticks. At the end of the bamboo is then stop for a bucket of water and a sieve for the noodles that are not caught.
In any case, it was pretty funny and walked up her noodles at "catching" a few I've also caught. ^ ^

After dinner came the actual main part of the event - look for one night movies. It was full of the school trip atmosphere, because the whole room was designed mattresses, and all have looked containing dadrauf sitting / lying, the films (or slept). I've only just taken the first managed so completely ... ("Leon the Professional"), then a Japanese, who I knew anyway and I'm still alittle bit with some other drunk was / talked. Well, then am I then (on the 2nd floor) to bed, because I am the next morning at 9 clock morning a "test test" to the JLPT had to write ... (Because the others had just finished the last film).
course I was pretty down in the morning during the test trial, but there was always only for their own control, it has been worth the, before the evening was really funny.

that I recently managed to find not so much Uni stuff've annoys me so frankly something because now dawns the last time that I want to fully enjoy and have fun rather than learning. But now we have the worst behind us, so I shall now probably have more time in the film club and anywhere else to spend leisure technology.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Kate Playground Zip Sets

jutta22588 @ 2010-06-06T16: 43:00

Ok, now look what has happened is my birthday so ...
The same weekend, Sunday I had such a short interview of a "Free Magazine", which is probably made by students. As we went to the usual stuff that you just always tell it from here because of "Why exchange?" "Japan-Germany differences" "As the university life as an exchange student is here?" etc. In principle, the objective of the article, Japanese courage to make the exchange - because the real here do not trust so easily. Most of them live (if possible) also still accessible with their parents and can not even imagine living alone-... It was out of the way, I also interviewed a Chinese woman and a guy from South America.

Otherwise, the university currently takes a lot of space. Now we have even the 平和 学习 (Friendensforschung "), which means we work in 2erGruppen various topics surrounding the war in Okinawa (the results are of course presented at the end). I am the way, something about the textbook controversy, that's really interesting! Although I must admit that I Whenever the topic in the U.S. or mainland Japan, Okinawa + goes, I am very angry ... I feel now just a part of Okinawa in Japanese so, since it would be outrageous if that were all I care. But good for my nerves, it is not in any case.

The second regards the university is プロジェクト ワーク ("Project Work"), all of which make the course together. We decided, in effect, to make a film - more specifically film parodies and then with Okinawa and Ryukyu University typical to combine elements. As our teacher has known the speech contest, of course, that I am 映 研 (Film Club), I was then directly as リーダー ("leader") chosen, which I luckily but with Anna -Lena must make together, otherwise I would be really too stressful. We're mostly Asians in the course and have generally always tend to be less an opinion and if they have a hard time, they share with others, so it is always quite difficult to meet in the group decision.
Well, in the end we have now for the scripts first formed three small groups (depending 3/4Leute) because we want to stop parody, three films. And while "Harry Potter", "Titanic" and "The Ring". I ended up in the Titanic-group and will play 'well, ultimately, the rose. We have (in all groups) but also have really funny ideas, so I am quite confident in terms of the whole project, it's just only real time consuming, after all, it should also be really funny at the end.

What's more, yes, we were finally achso WEEKLY with a few people from 映 研 (Film Club) after 部 会 ( Meeting) in bowling we played really long (six games) and somehow it has always made more fun with the times -. I'm not too late to a come-more-embarrassing level of score, although to me there already really hurt the forearm ... The trouble is
that I am somehow in the evening (again) got a cold. The next morning at 9 was also 撮 影 (movies) announced that I had a small role, so I was not so much sleep and spent the whole Saturday during the filming nearly finished. (My role was as an exchange student in a dorm, to a newly recovered Japanese [so that no one understands] bert loaded in German, but has really been only very briefly). Well, fun hats made yet somehow, but for that I was sick then first again Sunday to Tuesday so that I Most of the time spent in bed.

Wednesday, I was happily back to college, because that is was 见 学 (Auslflug) and we have シーサー (Shisa) made! Shisa are so dog-like figures that the house and protect from evil in Okinawa, there is NOT a real house, not two Shisa entering or on the roof has, we have therefore made it from such a type of clay and I'm looking forward to it very much if they were then fired and I had my very personal Shisa!

This Friday I was with Anna- Lena in 国際 道り (kokusaidouri "souvenir shopping street) in 那霸 (Naha). I have two funny little book about Okinawa found ("Rules" as they are in Okinawa and adjusts one where all possible Okinaw. Particularities are explained). Otherwise I've bought a few souvenirs and delicious 紅 芋 タルト (biscuits with "beni-imo, this is such a red-purple sweet potato - Speciality of Okinawa).

Friday evening after the film club meeting we made spontaneously to a たこ焼き パーティー (Takoyaki (octopus dough balls)-Party) at a home. I liiiebe Takoyaki easy and you can not get on Okinawa almost, so it was totally fun, to make yourself. The first few attempts but somehow went by and all the Dough balls were not hard enough, but eventually it went and by the end we have also experimented a little with the filling - since then landed jelly, Smarties, chip-like stuff and who knows what else in it. With Smarties is really yummy, I can only recommend! (If you do not even dazutut しょうが and ginger, which is then not soo yummy> _ \u0026lt;)

Last night I did then with a friend of the film club and a few friends about him (we were six) a ドイツ 料理 会 (cooking dinner) made. There is something taken, some ingredients (real Gouda cheese, pickles, bread ...) to get, but in the end, everything was good and there was sausage with potato salad, beer, sausage sandwiches, pretzels, mini-roll with Philadelphia, cheese sticks, (because I like it so much), broccoli and ham gratin, tripe (no one need know that comes from Austria ^ ^) and some Haribo and Milka. God, then we were all very full, but it tasted to all and since I was a bit happy! (Especially since I still am not the cook). Well, I then also a brief photo slide show brought back, With photos from Germany. Was a very pleasant and fun evening and it was very very 懐かしい (nostalgic, which is said to Dt. Somehow did not ...).

Achso and at the moment is just the way quite rainy season-appropriate weather. I'm going to complain about rain in Germany will never again! Especially in the rainy season it rains that is usually simple and really throughout the day and somehow it creates the rain (or the wind?) That even if it just really rather weak raining, despite screen after 5 minutes walk already properly soaked pants legs does. understand When so nem Weather I then also that (although I now contain solutions to health well again) my cold improves not easy. In other words, rainy season sucks.

Achso 2: PC is now under repair, I hope that it will work with the guarantee anything and I'm back again soon heal, as well as just plain life (homework, papers ...) is simply not feasible without PC. Skype from time to mention ...