Sunday, March 30, 2008

Anyone Work At Crown?

We Xarox

It is, unfortunately, has been a while since my last LJ entry ago .... I was eigfentlich NEN few times before but each to Faul. But this time I will be times the net too lazy XD
Because of the LBM Aki had before most had already written and I was once again too lazy.
So ... Well I will try once again to write more of my stuff ...

Mitwoch At first I'm working on. Toil was announced I was alone in 2 halls because my two Arbeitskolegen had to go arbveiten woanderst. Then came the return to 1, and we will do the rest then quickly together. At about 2 Has nothing more then stirred at work. I did not feel there anymore I was always quite woanderst with my thoughts. And my Arbeitskolegen bok had no more. So first we NEN gefuttert cake I've brought along. Am I to 3 dan abgebumelt've just cut down and an hour overtime.
Then began the journey to Xarox
Well 3 hour drive lay ahead of me.
First, I was excited the other dead tired because I had only 4 hours sleep. I'm naturally lazy nut too late had started to pack suitcases and was then net was more tired. Now I have my Red Bull NEN worried and made according to micke to remain relatively awake.
Now on the way there I had almost everything to weather what could have. Schnesturm, sun and heavy rain. only storm had been missing. As I get closer to the comb Pataborn motorists were Döf. for they were born pater tailgaters on the road constantly and with the trademark of all. ne ne ne XD
Now the trip went well in the dark over, and then I hit now at Xarox.
arrived growl and even from kindergarten. Kita is Xarox's dog and had to first upset because of new POerson. But after 10 minutes, which had again and gave me hardly any of the side XD I had thus found my Knudelopfer. have the tag geschilt we really only us unterhalöten and such. On Thursday
first we slept until 2. Then we went to buy Xarox mother then horses and then to his. Towards evening we went to Father Born and visited friends there from him. Was funny actually auser I was a driver and was allowed to drink anything XD
Now one may hardly believe it but I'm really done with SingStar. I hate the game because I hardly sounds as meet XD but I could integrate with sts net resist XD
was funny in Duet with Xarox against his Mate.
have slept on Freutag wr up to whopping 3 ... then we are in the stall and we took care of the horses are then ma home and have gambled rpg and incidentally seen NEN film. you have to say We have never before gone to bed at night 4 clock XD
oimmer gelavert yet or seen NEN film (HP marathon XD)
On Saturday we are really up 2 then slept in the barn again and Xarox gave riding lessons. Was nice to see intereseant to XD
garnet had thought that he can do as well with children. But he can. I have the day almost 500 photos taken by only 4 animals XD its 2 horses and his dogs
XD after that we take into mc doff then feed again and then we gambled ps2 XD
in the evening until late at night we played rpg and by the way any 3-class horror movies seen and gelavert just stupid.
Today we are about 12 serious aufdgestanden head because we were tired, and have ale Xarox first mate and cook for us then fully primed. Am I to 2, then started home.
I must say the ride home was great. Or less in my imagination than the outward journey. The weather was, marvelous may seem high temperatures and so I had to put the air on cold XD naja
only what I saw so hate my mood about sgedrückt .. I mean so many run over animals, I have never seen

about 19 foxes
2 Däckse
4 Greifögel2 deer and 13 rabbits

pluss lot 'undefenirbares ... Now I know you can not do anything about but it was somewhere somehow .. pulling down if you see how vile animals by a highway die

but again the WE. It was just a lot but just great gecille